A Funny Family Moment

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A Funny Family Moment with Your Baby.

Writer: littlemisshoranstyles (QUOTEV)

(Y/D/N): Your daughter's name.

Harry: You and Harry decided to throw a birthday party for your son on the day he turned two. Being the second of the married couples in 1D to have a baby, everyone loved seeing your son and babysitting him. They loved to give him attention. You invited the other boys and their wives or girlfriends to come celebrate. You also invited both your parents and Harry's. As everyone arrived, they were busy adoring your son so you left him with them to go get the cake. When you came back to the living room, you saw Harry running around the living room trying to catch your son and he ran around the room, sneakily manuevering around everyone's legs. "Come back!" Harry said, unsuccessful at his attempts to catch him. You laughed as Harry finally scooped him up and gave him a kiss. You gawked at your adorable husband and son while everyone else joined you in laughing.

Louis: You had to go into work early this morning, so Louis agreed to get your little girl dressed and ready today. You left him a note with a list of everything to do, knowing he'd forget something. When you got into work, your boss told you that you could leave as soon as you finished some paperwork. You did it quickly to get home to your family, and left to go home about 9:30 a.m. You arrived back home and decided to surprise Lou and your daughter that you were back, but you heard him talking to her in her room and watched them through the crack in the door. You saw a few of her outfits spread out on the floor as she stood in a diaper. "Okay, baby girl, what do you want to wear?" he asked, smiling at her. Seeing as she was only one, she just flopped around, landing her hands on a cute pink shirt and red shorts. "No, no, darling, you can't wear that. Those colors don't go together," he said. You gigglied, giving away your previously unknown presence. "What are you doing?" you asked through laughs. "It's never to early to learn from the style master," he said, causing you to laugh some more as you took over to get your daughter dressed.

Niall: You had your first baby a few weeks ago. You and Niall were delighted to finally start a family, though your son had trouble sleeping through the night. You would always awake in the middle of the night to hear your son's cries on the baby moniter. You quietly groaned as he started crying for the third time in an hour. "Shh, go back to sleep, (Y/N). I've got this one," Niall said, placing his lips on your forehead as you silently thanked him. He slipped out of the room but you wanted to stay up until Niall came back. It was 15 minutes later and Niall still hadn't returned so you got up to check on him and your son. You walked in to see Niall holding your son out in his arms away from his body. Niall's shirt was really wet. "Ni, what happened?"   "He spit up and I don't know what to do." The look of panic and confusion on his face made you burst into a fit of laughter. "This isn't funny," he said, pouting. You smiled and took the baby in your arms. "You go clean up, I'll take care of him." He smiled at you and left the room to change into a new shirt, and you rocked your son back to sleep.

Zayn: "Zayn, when is Barney going to get here?" You had given your husband one job to complete for his son's birthday party : get 'Barney' the dinosaur, your son's favorite character, to come to the party. He glanced from his phone then looked back up at you. "Well, it looks like he can't come.." he trailed off and held up his phone, showing a text that 'Barney' had gotten sick and couldn't show. "Zayn! We told him Barney was coming, we can't upset him." He scratched his chin and you thought of a perfect idea. "Actually, I have a wonderful idea." You grinned and told him your plan. He was very reluctant, but you forced him yo do it. He left the house and came back 30 minutes later with a Barney costume. "Better go change," you whispered in his ear, smirking. He glared at you, but did it for his son, who really enjoyed meeting Barney. You couldn't help but take a few pictures as all the little kids jumped on him, but you knew he would get you back for this later.

Liam: "Li, will you go feed (Y/D/N), please?" you asked as you packed a lunchbox for your 7 year old son. "Course, darling." He kissed your cheek then picked up your daughter, the baby food, and a spoon. After putting the bib on her, he started to feed her. Just then, your son walked to him and asked for homework help on the math problems he couldn't figure out. He tried to help him asnwer the questions and feed her at the same time, which resulted in baby food all over your daughter. She started laughing and smearing it all over Liam's face. "Dad, help me!" Your son whined at him. You put down the lunch after giggling at Liam's failed attempts and picked up your daughter. You wiped off her and Liam's faces, then helped with the homework. "What would I do without you?" Liam smiled at you and you kissed him.

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