Daughters cute moment / A/n

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A cute moment between your child and him

Creds to rainydayswithpayne

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️READ MY AUTHORS NOTE BELOW !!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Liam: "For the last time sweetie, there is no monster under your bed." you say, sleep thick on your voice. You four year old daughter had come into your room, waking you up. Never Liam, it was always you. "Bu- but mummy there was, it had red eyes, and sharp teeth and it growled at me." she frowns, lip quivering as if she was about to cry. "Listen sweetie, mummy has to work tomorrow ok, just go back to sleep, nothing is there I promise." She sighs deeply, and her eyes  beg. You sigh and poke Liam, waking him from his shallow sleep. "What is it this time?" he asks, wiping his eyes. "Daddy!" she cries, running to his side of the bed. He pulls her into his arms and questions "What happened baby girl?" she smiles feeling better instantly and she pouts "There's a monster under my bed, and it has sharp teeth and red eyes, and it growled at me." He tries to hide his smile and sits up. "Well come on, we can go scare him away together" She hesitates, but lightly grasping her hand she obliges, as they make their way back to her room. After a minute, there's a loud growl, clearly from Liam, and a small girlish one from her. You smile, already falling back to sleep. Liam comes back in and lays back to the bed, spooning your body. "What was it?" you ask, kissing one of his palms. "Just the dog." he smiles, falling back to sleep, "Just the dog."

Niall: "Can I have a cookie?" your daughter questions. It was dinner time in the Horan household, and you were focused on feeding the newest member, you son. With a sigh you ask "Did you finish your broccoli?" She makes a disgusted face, as Niall munches amused on a piece of potato. "I'm going to take that as a no, so until you do so, you are not getting a cookie." you say, making faces at the baby, spoon feeding him some pureed carrots. "It's not fair." she pouts crossing her arms receiving a look from you. "Alright, what's say, I will eat all of my broccoli if you eat yours hmm?" Niall asks, placing some more on his plate. She smiles and picks her fork up "You mean like a race?" He chuckles and nods "Ok, like a race. Now the winner gets a cookie, but you have to chew and swallow all of yours ok?" he asks, stabbing a piece with his fork, bringing it to his lips. She nods, doing the same. "One." she starts. "Two." he smiles. "Three!" they both shout, and their race is off. She begins to gobble the green vegetable down as Niall has barely taken a bite of his. He could have easily beat her, but he smiled as she placed the last little piece in her mouth, chewing fast.With a big gulp, she smiles and cries "I'm the winner daddy! I won. Mummy did you see that, I won." she squeals again, sipping her water, and he smiles, eating another piece. You nod and smiles, handing her a cookie. She smiles and Niall holds out his hand for one, but you shake your head pecking his lips softly, "Finish your broccoli."

Harry: The day had finally come. Your sister was getting married, much to your parents excitement, and much to your daughters as well. She couldn't wait to be flower girl, tossing flowers down the aisle. She adored her basket, and dress and shoes, and eve the way you had done your hair. "Daddy, daddy, daddy." she says from the back seat of his car. "Yes love?" he asks, glancing in the rear view mirror to see her sparkling eyes. " Are you excited?" she asks as he pulls up to the small church. He chuckles "Very, you auntie has finally found her true love." he smiles, gripping your hand. You smile at him, reaching over to kiss his cheek, and she smiles "Daddy, am I ever going to find my true love?" He chuckles, getting out of his seat to unbuckle her. "Sure sweetie, maybe one day. You'll find someone you really love and you'll get married." he frowns at the last word, not liking the sound of that. "Why do I have ot wait so long?" she pouts, and he laughs again, standing her up straight. "Well love doesn't come along everyday." she frowns. "Yes it does, you tell mummy that you love her everyday, and me too. Am I your true love daddy?" she asks, two of his fingers wrapped around her tiny hand. "Hmm, well sweetie, I'm mummy's true love." She puts whining "Please daddy?" He smiles and bends down looking her in the eye, "You can't just ask someone ok? You will feel in here." he smiles poking her chest lightly, then her stomach. "Ok daddy, but do you still love me?" He nods, walking with her again "Forever and ever baby, even when you do find your true love, I'll always love you, you'll always be my little girl."

Louis: "Daddy, don't make me go!" she shouts, just like everyday. She hung to his leg, not wanting to go into the small nursery school. "Come on sweetie, just for a few hours, then you can come home with me, and mummy, and you can see your pet and toys ok?" he tries, prying her from his leg, tears streaming down her face. "Will you come in?" she asks and he sighs, her face falling in disappointment. It breaks his heart and he nods, "Only for a few minutes." she smiles, pulling him into the school, making him sit in a small chair, placing a small crown on his head. "Sweetie, isn't this one yours?" he asks, putting it on her head. She frowns and nods as a few girls pass her, giggling and pointing to her as they pass. She frowns, taking the crown off, tossing it to the ground. " He frowns, picking it up, lifting her chin. "Sweetie, what was that about?" She shakes her head, and sits down, hands in her lap as she starts to cry softly. He sits on the ground beside her, and hugs her tightly. "No matter what they say, don't listen ok?" she coos, wiping her chubby cheeks. "Th- they call me names and laugh at me." she says, tears still falling. He hugs her tightly, and rocks her a bit, " You know what?" he asks. She shakes her head and looks at him, eyes red. "You will always be beautiful, and you should never let them get to you ok?" he smiles weakly, hiding his own tears. She nods weakly, still looking down. He sighs and lifts her head, placing the crown back to her soft brown hair. "Now, more tea majesty?" She smiles and nods as he pours some more air into her glass, then his own, cheering her, making her smile once more.

Zayn: "Zayn, I swear if you are not here in twenty minutes, then I will kill you." you growl into the phone trying to calm your crying daughter. "I- I know, I'm trying to get there as fast as I can, tell her that I won't be late ok?" he says back, the honking of horns perfectly audible through the phone. "I did, but she keeps crying, you talk to her ok?" You say, passing the phone to your daughter. "Daddy, why aren't you coming to my dance recital?" she pouts, sitting on the ground, playing with her slippers. He sighs, making her pout. "I am coming sweetie, just a bit stuck. I promise I'll be there. I won't miss a thing." She nods and gives the phone back to you, running backstage, not even the smallest goodbye. Twenty minutes had come, and twenty minutes had gone, following another twenty, then another. After everyone had cleared out, he finally came running into the studio, hands behind his back, out of breath as you zipped up your daughter's jacket. She doesn't look at him as he runs up to you both. "S- sorry girls, I got stuck in traffic. Did I miss it?" With a stern glare you say "Yes, you did miss our daughter's first recital Zayn." it stinging in his chest. He sighs, bending to one knee, bringing some purple daisies from behind his back. "I know that I wasn't here for your first performance  but maybe you could do it for me again?" he smiles hopefully as she grasps the flowers> "I don't know." she murmurs quietly. He frowns and pleads "Please do it for daddy?" She tries to hide her smile and nods "Only if you do it with me." she giggles, taking his hand leading him up the stage. "Ok, I hope I'm doing this right." he chuckles, barely being able to move as easily as she did. She laughs at him, as he almost falls. The song ends and he scoops her up, kissing her cheek, "Do ya forgive me?' he asks and she nods, hugging his neck. "Promise you'll be at the next one?" He nods, "I promise."

A/n : hiiii sorry i havent been updating , i have exams , yanno school stuff soo you see im gonnna start a new book , well its basically my diary ( yes my real diary ) bc i rn im going through a kinda hard time with my family and school and i need to find a way to let out all this mixed emotions and how i felt about it and i hope you dont mind . Thank you ( maybe i'll update it tonite)


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