Your Child's First Steps

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Your Child's First Steps

Creds to QUOTEV

Zayn: Zayn's been gone for quite a while now, and you've began to become worried. You sent him off an hour ago to run by the store for some milk, and it's been a long day and you were becoming impatient. Finally, he returned with Milk and you soon came to realize that he picked up Zach from daycare. You took Zach from him, and frowned. "What's wrong, sweetie?" said Zayn kissing your cheek. "You could've told me that you were picking up our son from daycare. I was just about to go and get him." You pointed to your purse on the couch and your outfit you threw on. It was messy, but enough to go to the Daycare, and come back. Zayn chuckled and went to go put up the milk. You sat Zach down and went to go put up your purse, when Zach let out a playful laugh and you turned around to see him taking easy steps towards the kitchen. You looked dead at him, and hurried into the kitchen to see Zayn's reaction. Zayn was busy singing, when he finally noticed your son walking towards him. "Heyyyy! Little man! You're walkin'!" You laughed and Zayn picked up Zach and you all particapated in a group hug and kissing session.

Harry: "Is Harry Styles cheating on his new lady?" "Is (Y/N) Styles filing a divorce against Harry Styles?" "What will happen to their son, Lucas Styles?" "Who will win the custody battle between Lucas?" Rumors kept flying in on by on about you and Harry. Harry was recently found kissing a girl, who turned out to be his cousin. You didn't mind that he was showing affection to his cousin, but what you DID mind was that rumors were spreading around that you and Harry were getting a divorce. You sighed angrily as you turned off the TV and threw the remote down. Your baby son, Lucas, looked up at you with concern and tugged on your shoe. "Mama.." He cooed for a while. You took Lucas and stroked his hair, loving on him. "Oh Lucas baby..." You began to cry when Harry came home. "Hello, my family!" Harry rushed over to kiss you, but stopped when he saw you crying. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" You looked up at him and set Lucas down and explained your concerns about the rumors. Harry just hugged you and said sweet things to you to make you stop crying. Just then, you felt something tug on your shirt. You looked down to see that Lucas was standing up tugging on your shirt saying "Mama nooo" He hugged you then ran off to grab his Winnie the Pooh doll and hand it to you to hug. You smiled at Lucas, picked him up and said, "Your first steps! My baby's first steps (:" You and Harry for the rest of the day played with Lucas and took pictures to show his first steps. #HarrysBabyFirstSteps was trending on Twitter all afternoon.

Liam: It's been a long day at work, and you're glad to finally be able to come home to your daughter and husband. Liam's finally home from tour, and won't be leaving for about a year so he's staying home with your daughter, Alyssa. He helps out a lot by cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, and taking care of Alyssa and the animals. When you finally return home, you see Liam and Alyssa asleep on the couch with Toy Story 2 running on the screen. You smile and take the remote and turn off the TV. "Liam." You nudge him and he jumps up. Your baby is startled awake and rubs her beautiful eyes and smiles at you. "Mama!" says Alyssa happily reaching for you. You smile and take Alyssa and Liam slowly gets up. He kisses your head. "Sorry for being asleep, (Y/N). Me and Alyssa went to the park, and to the store, and even by Uncle Niall's house!" Alyssa nodded at Liam and smiled at you, hugging you. "Oh, it's alright sweetie. Now how about some supper?" Liam nodded and headed to the kitchen while you went to go get dressed. Alyssa was in her playpen watching the rest of Toy Story. When you came back, you took her out of her playpen and sat her down while you read a book. When Liam came back, he startled you with a weird gasp and a plate of pasta crashing down. "Liam! What's wrong-" You noticed Alyssa was happily walking around the floor. It was your baby's first steps! You jumped up and scooped up Alyssa showering her with kisses and hugs! "Haha (Y/N)! You're going to suffocate her!" You smile and Alyssa says "Yeah Mom, Snuffacate!"

Louis: "Good Morning, Darling!" Louis greeted with a peck to your lips and dragging you by your wrists out of you bed and onto the floor. "Ugh...Lou. It's too early. I'm tired. What do you want?" You looked up at him and rubbed your head. He smiled and nodded towards your door to see your baby was crawling. "Louis!" You yelled, hitting him playfully on the chest and picking up your baby girl. "You know, she could've fell down the stairs!" You kissed baby Leanne's head and looked at Louis. He wore a sorry expression. "Sorry, babe. I just love having a child SOSOSO much!" He kissed both of you and ran down the stairs. You followed closely and set Leanne in her walker and headed for the park. You didn't care that you were asleep with the sweatshirt, sweats and sneakers that you fell asleep in yesterday. You just wanted out of the house. Louis trailed closely behind you and took your hand as you trudged along the path to the park. You finally sat at a bench with Louis admiring the lake and the birds. "Hewwo! Have a gwod day!" Your daughter would say to passing strangers. You would chuckle about how sweet and adorable she was. Finally, you rested your head on Louis' shoulder and when you awoke, you saw Leanne was out of her walker. You jumped up frantically to find her running around in circles. "Baby! Look!" You nudged Louis awake and you both laughed and chased after your daughter who was taking her first steps.

Niall: "Off to Nando's we go, (Y/N)!" Niall scooped up your daughter, Selah and ran towards to door. You chuckled and grabbed your purse. It was going to be a long afternoon at Nando's. You were sure of it. "Niall, sweetie! Put Selah down! You're going to make her puke." Niall smiled and set Selah down in the car. He buckled her into the seat, and dashed to the drivers side. "To Nando's!" He chimed as he pulled out of the driveway. When you arrived at Nando's, you guys ordered and sat down. Niall ate savagely as you attended to Selah. "Can you say Nando's, baby?" Said Niall, as Selah giggled. "Nam-dohs!" Niall smiled. "Close!" You poked at your daughters belly and she giggled. "Nonono Mama!" She jumped outta the seat and ran away. "What..." Niall said, looking dumbfounded as his daughter ran around the restaurant. "She's...running." You said and you soon realized you had to chase after your daughter. You grabbed her and Niall took a picture of you chasing her around the restaurant . #SelahsSmallSteps was trending worldwide on twitter when Niall posted the photo.

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