Cute moment with your child

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a cute moment with him and your child

Creds to what-a-1d-full-life

Zayn :

Since the summer came , your little three year old gracie kept asking you to go to the beach . and after hearing her begging day after day , you decided to take her as a surprise . once you arrived to the beach she couldn't stop thanking you and jumping around with joy . you read your book enjoying the summer sun , as zayn and gracie built sand castles , but when it came to going to the water , she didn't dare . "come gracie , I'll go into the water with you " you said to her "but daddy you're not coming ? " " no honey , just go with mummy " " but I want you to come too , I want both of you " " but gracie , daddy can't swim " he whispers to her "it's okey , I can't swim either " she replied pouting, looking at him with her brown dough eyes . zayn tried to resist her puppy face , but it was impossible ; it had the same impact on him as yours . " ok ok let's go " he said giving in . each of you took her hand in yours and the three walked towards the water. You tried your best to teach them how to swim but their fears got the best of them , and just as you lost hope gracie finally got the method . "look mummy daddy , I am swimming " she said filled with joy . "come daddy I'll show you" you stepped back to watch you little child teaching her father proud of her self , and you couldn't help but smile at how adorable they looked together . a while after , both of them were swimming around forgetting their fears . they giggled as zayn lifted her up and she wrapped her little legs around him "how about we dive in now ? " he asked and gracie nodded back . for a second they both disappeared under the water , then reappeared soaked . "again daddy , again " "okey , one more and will go " . they redid it and started giggling again as they came close to you " that was really cool mummy " said a tiered gracy as she hugged zayn who was still holding her in his arms . " you're tiered baby ? " he cooed to her , she nodded closing her eyes a bit . he helped her get dressed and held her in his arms all the way home ( you drove ) , and every once in a while you'd turn to watch in awe gracie sleeping peacefully in zayn's arms who held her close like his own little treasure ..

Harry :

Harry walked up to check on Darcy to see if she was sleeping cause it was getting late , but found her still awake . "honey you're still awake ? " " yes" she answered "I can't sleep ". Harry stepped closer and sat next to her . "what can I do ? do you want me to read a bed time story ? " he asked her but she gestured a no . "you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep " he suggested but she just gestured a no again . "well then what do you want daddy to do ? " he asked frustrated "I want you to sing to me like you always do ."she said "ohh you want me to sing to you ? " " yes , I love it when you sing to me daddy , and I miss it when you go on tour " " well then come over here sweetie " he said taking her in his embrace , playing with her brown curly hair , singing 'over again' to her . you watched as the little girl fell asleep in his arms . he smiled when he saw her peacefully sleeping , and put her in her bed . you walked closer and sat next to him "I still can't believe that this angel is ours ... we brought her to life " you took his hand in yours intertwining your finger "yeah .. we did " you whispered . "let's go to bed babe " he said pulling the blanket over Darcy and walking out of her room , you smiled again looking at the sleeping figure that was your little angel ..

Niall :

You , niall , and your little ed were going back from the city heading to your car , but unfortunately it was surrounded by paparazzi . you let out a sight and lifted ed in your arms , covering him up , and holding niall's hand . you pushed through the crowds ignoring the questions . suddenly , somebody kicked you so hard that ed almost fell to the ground, making him burst into tears . you let out a cry of pain , letting go of niall's hand to pick up Edward . that caught niall's attention and turned to you "what's wrong (y/n) ? " you tried to explain what happenedwithout making him mad , but that was impossible . he closed his eyes trying to not explode with rage. "are you okey ? " he asked you with a stern voice , you nodded back "good " he said , then turned to the crowd . "who's this dush who dared to lay a finger on (y/n) and my son ?! " he asked fuming with rage . none of them dared to talk "just as I thought ! not a man to come face me ! " "let's go ni " you said taking his hand , and he immediately cooled down at your touch . he turned and took ed in his arms , hugging him close all the way to the car , and once you reached it , he put him in his car seat and kneeled in front of him . "hey little one , you okey " he asked sweetly , as his anger vanishes away . little ed shook his head as yes , drying his tears . " they didn't hurt you ? " "" " good , because you are my baby boy and nobody hurts you , no one ... and if they do then they have to deal with me " Edward seemed to cheer up feeling protected by his dad . "daddy won't let anyone hurt you ed .." " thank you daddy .. I love you " " I love you too buddy " he answered taking his son into a tight hug "I love you " he murmured again into his ear..

Louis :

You were coming from a long day at work , tiered like never before . today you had to work , so you let Louis look out for your four year old girl Emma . as you entered , you heard giggles from the living room . you walked in to find the two of them dressed in the weirdest outfits , playing monopoly . "I won again! I won daddy " jumped emma with joy . "ughh not again .. " sighted Louis . "well I did hahaha , and you lost " giggled emma while dancing around him happily . suddenly Louis jumped on here , tickling her . "daddy stop ..." she said laughing even harder .. they kept tickling each other until both of them demanded truss . Louis got up and took her in his arms , as she hug him tightly . "hey look mummy is here " "mummy ?" she turned around to see you smiling at her , and her smile grew even more "what are you dressed in sweetie " you asked her . "daddy played dressing up with me today , I am Tinkerbelle and daddy is peter pan " " anything for my little sunshine" "ohh daddy " she said hugging Louis blushing "you can play with us mummy" she suggested " oh yeah , and what will I be ? " " you'll be Jane , the one peter pan fell in love with " answered Louis pulling you close as the three of you came in a warm hug ..

Liam :

You and liam were chilling at your house , waiting for you son james to come back from school . but when he did , he didn't seem so happy , he didn't say a thing and went straight to his room , you were really worried so you followed liam , heading to james' room. "hey james .. " said liam sitting next to him . your little boy lifted his head from his pillow , showing the tears streaming down his cheeks . "hey .. what's wrong ? " he asked him , pulling him closer . " just tell daddy .. and I'll help you with it .." " everybody laughed at me today at school because I suck at playing soccer .. and all my friends are good at it " " it's okey buddy .. everyone is good at something " " but I am not good at anything .. " he shouted mad at himself "no it's impossible you're my son and I'm telling you you are amazing not just because you are my son .. you know what ? I'll stay with you today until we find what you're good at .. that sounds good ? " " yeah " he nodded . that evening you watched the two of them try all sorts of things , looking totally adorable . that night you discovered that james was an amazing drawer .. guess he got his talent from uncle zayn .. and he was pretty proud of himself ..

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