Daddy Dearest - Chapter One

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Daddy Dearest - Chapter One

Creds to hemmingsalmightty


Louis Tomlinson had a pretty great life. His newest album was quickly climbing the charts following its release, he was recently single, and he had just finished unpacking his last box in his new house. He stood in the foyer of the house and looked around, taking a deep breath.

Louis had only recently decided to make all these changes. He had woken up one morning beside Christopher, and when he turned to look at the sleeping man, Louis realized that this was not what he wanted. Chris had made it blatantly clear in the past few months that he was happy where they were, not wanting children or even a pet. And as much as Louis loved Christopher and tried to make it work, Louis just couldn't. A family was something that Louis wanted too much.

So Louis packed his bags and left the day after his album released, and he moved into his own house and unpacked everything. Now all that was missing was the family. Deciding the only way to go was all in, Louis picked up the phone and dialed his lawyer, who agreed to start looking for an agency for Louis to use.

About a week later, Louis received a call back from his lawyer who had found a small independent home for adoptions, and he'd made an appointment for Louis to go see them that Saturday. So Louis anxiously waited for Saturday, and when it came, he took a car out there. When he arrived, he went into the main building and told reception his name.

"Mr. Tomlinson! Hi! We've been waiting for you!" a nice, younger looking lady came out of an office, a folder in her hand. "If you'd like, we can go walk around and get a feel for what kind of child you are wanting," she offered. "I'm Rory," she added as they walked outside.

"Louis," he replied, looking around. "This is a nice place."

"Thank you. We try," Rory smiled. "Now, were you looking for a younger or older child?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, actually. This all just happened kind of quickly. Your paperwork was much quicker than my lawyer and I thought it would be, so I didn't get to think about this as much as I thought I would. But I think older would be a good fit," Louis admitted.

"That's fine!" Rory replied. "Since the seven to ten year olds are here, why don't we come in here first? Feel free to talk to this kids and play with them." Louis nodded in understanding and they walked into the closest building.

They entered a small room that was obviously meant to act as a playroom, and there were a few boys running around and playing. As Louis stood back and watched them, one of the boys ran toward them.

"Rory!" the small blonde boy yelled. "Is it time for me to go see Harry?" Louis was incredibly shocked by the thick Irish accent the boy possessed, and he watched as Rory checked her watch and then nodded.

"Yes, Niall, it is! Can you say hi to Louis?" she smiled. "He's here to look for a nice little kiddo to take home," she said. "Louis, this is Niall," she introduced.

"Hi, Louis!" Niall grinned. "I'm Niall! I'm nine years old. Rory, can I go see my brothers now?" he asked.

"You have brothers?" Louis asked, feeling something tugging at his heart strings. Niall nodded, but Rory shook her head.

"Not really. It's just some boys that Niall's gotten quite attached to in his time here. Niall, what have I told you about calling them your brothers?"

"That people don't like it when I do that," Niall said softly, and Louis frowned.

"I think it's cool that you have brothers," Louis told Niall with a smile. "How old are they?" he asked curiously.

"They're all younger, Mr. Tomlinson. The oldest is five," Rory replied for Niall. "I can take him if you would like to stay here and interact with some of the boys."

"I think I'd actually like to go with Niall here," Louis replied with a smile before looking at the boy. "If that's alright, of course."

"Yeah!" Niall exclaimed, grabbing at Louis' hand. "I can take you there!"

"Mr. Tomlinson, you said you were looking for an older child," Rory said softly as Niall pulled Louis to the door.

"What's the harm?" Louis asked. Honestly, he was more than a bit curious about this Niall child. He liked him a lot already. Then he turned his attention to Niall, who was chattering faster than Louis had ever heard anyone talk.

"Harry's five, Zayn is four, and Liam is two," Niall explained. "Harry's loud and likes to play, Zayn is really shy, and Liam just really likes to cuddle," he stated as he opened the door to another building.

"Mr. Tomlinson, you really don't have to go in if you don't want. You can go back to the older children," Rory tried to explain. Louis turned to look at her and shook his head.

"Not to be rude, Rory, but I would really like to spend some time with Niall. And if that means spending some time here, that's not at all an issue," Louis said as calmly as possible before turning back to the room. And what he saw melted his heart.

Niall was already sitting on the floor watching a boy with dark, curly hair pull a box of Legos toward him while a darker skinned, raven-haired boy was curled in Niall's lap with a book. Beside Niall leaning against him with a blanket wrapped around himself was a tiny boy with the biggest, most innocent eyes Louis had ever seen. Louis' heart swelled as he slowly walked over, kneeling in front of Niall. The small boy in Niall's lap immediately turned to hide his face in Niall's chest, and Niall smiled down at him.

"It's okay, Zayn. This is Mr. Tomlinson. He's really nice," Niall smiled. "Do you wanna play some, Mr. Tomlinson?"

"I'd love to," Louis smiled, coming to sit beside Niall, on the opposite side of the other little one. "Who are all your friends?" he asked.

"This is Zayn," Niall introduced, then gestured to the tiny one beside him. "This is Liam, and the one with the Legos is Harry. Guys, this is Mr. Tomlinson."

"Nice to meet you! Call me Louis," Louis smiled before Harry pushed the box of Legos toward him. And he meant it too, reaching for the Legos as he began to settle into the small group. And Rory just watched from the doorway for awhile, before Louis turned to her. "Be right back," he told Niall before standing and going to her.

"Mr. Tomlinson, I'd really suggest we go look elsewhere," Rory said softly.

"Why?" Louis asked.

"Well, Niall has been offered to families multiple times, but he refuses to go without the others," she explained quietly. "So unless you're looking for four children instead of one, I'd go for another child." Louis grew quiet at that and then nodded to the door.

"Let's go then," he said softly, but he didn't feel good about that. Not at all. So he followed her out of the room.

"Where'd Louis go?" Harry asked Niall after a minute. Niall smiled sadly. Away, like all the others, he thought.

"He probably just had to go see Rory about something," Niall replied before beginning to play with him again while listening to Zayn quietly read to him. But he knew Rory had given 'the speech' and that meant they wouldn't see Louis again. And that made him sad, like it always did.

Louis spent some time with some of the other kids, but nothing clicked. So after awhile, he stood and headed to Rory. "I'd like to go back to Niall and the others," he commented.

"Mr. Tomlinson, I really don't think that's a good idea," Rory said softly as she followed him out of the building. "Like I said – "

"I know what you said, Rory. And with all due respect, maybe the reason no one takes him is because you're so quick to turn them off from him. So why don't you go to your office and I'll come get you if I need to?" Louis asked, looking at her sternly. Rory nodded then and turned away.

"Of course, Mr. Tomlinson. Come get me if you need anything at all." Then she scurried off, leaving Louis to open the door to the younger children's building once more.

"Hey guys, so where did we leave off?" Louis asked, smiling at the grin that absolutely lit up Niall's face. Maybe he was on to something here.

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