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I woke up to a sour feeling in my throat, I immediately bolted out of bed. 

I run to the bathroom, hunching over the toilet. Coughing everything out of my system, it was like I couldn't stop. Every time I thought it was over more came out.

I felt hands on my back rubbing my back gently, Tom scoops my hair up. Moving it out of my face. I pull away from the toilet, breathing heavily.

I lean against the wall behind me, the taste of bile still lingering in my mouth.

"You're okay." He continues to rub my back as I breathe heavily. I sniffled, feeling the tears run down my face.

I hated puking.

Like, it actually scared the living shit out of me and I've done everything I can for my whole life to prevent me from puking. "Get me water please."

I managed to get out hoarsely. Tom kisses my forehead, getting up from the bathroom floor.


I walk over to the kitchen and see Aliyah sitting on the couch, eating some cereal. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge. "Make tea for lil- Gia will you?" I ask of Aliyah.

"I mean I will but why?" She questions, taking a bite of her cereal.

"Morning sickness, we thought she was spared from it, but I guess not." I sigh, walking back to Gia.

I hear more gagging sounds, god I feel so bad for her. "Baby, it won't stop." She whines against the toilet bowl. I set the water on the bathroom counter, sitting down next to her.

I pat her hair down gently, looking away as she pukes out the bile. I heard the toilet flush, she put her head in her hands beginning to cry.

"I'm so drained and it won't stop."  She heaves, I grab the bottle of water and sit down next to her. Handing it over, Gia twists the cap off. Chugging it down.

I carry her bridal style, onto the bathroom counter. I hug her tightly. "It's okay." I smile, grabbing her toothbrush. I place some toothpaste on it before propping her mouth open.

I lean her head back, brushing all her teeth one by one.

I didn't know what she was doing to me lately, I just love her so fucking much.



"Okay, here's the deal. That guy is a carbon copy of the one I froze up killing, Don't freeze up." I point to him through the window, talking to Aliyah.

"Tom is gonna be the one killing him, but the next one will be yours, and you can't feel guilty." I look back to Aliyah, explaining... well basically how to kill someone.

"And do I wait in here or come with?" Aliyah asks.

"Stay in here and roll your window down, for now" Tom says, turning his back to her.

"Kay got it." She gives him a thumbs up, Tom and I exit the car. Going to the homeless man. Tom pulls his gun out, holding it against his side.

He wastes no time, pointing it against his head. "No, please!- I have a daughter I-" Tom's figure looks at him up and down.

His hands start to tremble, I could practically hear Tom's heartbeat accelerate, oh fuck.

Tom was freezing up.

"Tom! What are you doing!" I whisper shout, "I- I don't know, this has never happened before. I literally can't Gia." The gun falls out of his hand.

Oh my god.

"Tom!" I yell, the guy starts to run away. I pick the gun up, aiming it at him. I shoot, the bullet going through his skull and exiting.

"Here, make sure next time to pull your head out of your fucking ass." I hand him the gun back in the palm of his hand, scoffing and walking away.

I get in the car, slamming the door shut.

"What just happened?" Aliyah asks, looking at Tom's body that was frozen in place. He wasn't moving, just standing there with the gun in his hand, shocked.

"I cannot believe him, I don't know what's going on with him lately." I sighed, he wasn't himself anymore. He's gone soft, and that was the truth.

The police sirens start to blare, shit someone must've reported the gunshot.

Tom wasn't moving, he was quite literally frozen in place. "Get in the front, you're driving I'm gonna get Tom." I say, running out of the car to him.

"Tom!" I yell, tugging on his shoulder.

He was stuck in a trance or something, staring ahead at the dead body laid in front of him. The gun was still in the palm of his hand, as he just stared. Blankly.

I stand in front of him, pulling his face down to look at me. I suddenly see his gaze finally move down to me, "Come on Tom!" I tug on his hand, running to the car.

He starts to shake his head super quickly, before running back with me. "Drive!" I yell at Aliyah, getting in the back with Tom. She takes the opposite lane of the cops, driving off.

"Gia somethings wrong." Tom gulps.

"What's gotten into your head Tom?" I start to lecture him, I was pissed. He got mad at me for doing this exact same thing, not too long ago.

"I don't know, this has never happened before."

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