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March 27th 2009
*Oh, take me back to the night we met.*

"Gianna, let's go to this party tonight please!" Melanie my roommate, pleads.

"I have homework, no time." I respond, writing down my notes, as I sit on the sleek white desk. "You're so boring, Gianna please." She groans.

"If I go will you stop talking?" I ask. "Yes!" She grins happily. I sigh, finishing up my notes before starting to get ready, for the party.


I walk into the sorority, wearing a flowy white dress and some very light makeup. "You know you could've dressed better for this right?" Melanie says.

"I'm only here to watch over you Melanie that's it."

"Will you at-least drink with me?" She pouts. "Fine, but i'm not staying past 1 am. I have a quiz tomorrow." I respond. "Fine yeah whatever."

After downing a couple shots till she was satisfied, I look around the room analyzing everything and everyone. Someone in specific caught my eye though.

He was... different from all the other guys. His style was different and so was his hair, he looked like he had a rebel persona. I will definitely stay away from that.

But damn was he attractive, he had this lip piercing that would make any girl swoon. His nose was absolutely perfect.

"We're playing spin the bottle, everyone huddle up!" The sorority girl clears out the living room, everyone goes sitting down in a perfect circle.

"Come on!" Melanie drags me by my hand.

"I don't want to play." I tug back. "Just because you're an un-kissed virgin doesn't mean you can't play." She giggles, dragging me to the circle.

"I don't have time for this!" I groan.

"Sit." She demands, patting on the floor. I fix my dress, sitting down on my heels.

"Kay, Melanie you go first." They pass the empty bottle of alcohol to her, she takes a spin, landing on the guy to her left. Oh, that's the one she's been eyeing all summer. He had short brown hair and blue eyes.

Muscular, not bad looking. George? I think his name was, I knew it was pronounced differently though. Also probably spelt different too. I didn't care enough to find out how to pronounce or spell it though.

It wasn't like he was gonna be a part of my life anytime soon anyways so, who cares really?

"Let's kick this up a notch! How about whoever you land on, you have to go in the closet with them." The sorority girl stated.

"What are we? Fourteen and playing seven minutes in heaven?" The attractive guy from earlier says.

"Oh come on Tom, don't be such a hater. It's fun!" She laughs. I saw him take a quick glance at me, we had made eye contact for literally a second but...

Lord have mercy on me.

Melanie takes the guys hand going to the closet, the sorority girl sets a timer for seven minutes. We wait patiently for a couple minutes.


"Timers up guys!" She yells out, Melanie emerges from the closet first, fixing her skirt. How could she even get that done in seven damn minutes.

"Okay Tom, you're next cause you're a hater." The guy passes him the bottle, they seemed as if they were close friends. "Fine whatever." Tom scoffs.

He grabs the bottle spinning it. "This is stupid you know, i'm most likely not going with anyone it lands on." He sighs, watching the bottle as it spins.

It was taking literally forever.

The bottle suddenly stops. It was me.

Tom glances up at me. "Actually, I think I like this game." He smirks, standing up.

"What are you waiting for, get up." Melanie whisper yells, hitting my back. I snap out of my little trance he had me hypnotized in.

He puts his hand out for me to take, I clear my throat. Putting my hand in the palm of his, getting up. Staying light on my feet.

"After you, girl who's name I don't know." He laughs, opening the closet door. "It's Gianna." I smile, walking in the confined space, he gets in after me.

The sound of the door shutting echoed in my mind. It made everything seem more real, and it made me a whole lot more nervous.

I sit on the floor in the closet, he sits in front of me smiling. "What?" I giggle. "I don't even know you and you've got me under some type of trance." He says.

I felt a certain blush overtake my face. "You don't seem like the type of girls to come to something like this. Why are you here Gianna?" Tom asks.

"My roommate Melanie." I reply. "Guess i've got to thank her then hm?" How was he so bold, he pulled off all his little pick up lines so well.

I don't respond, looking down.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks randomly.

I bite my bottom lip. "Sure." I nod, his face suddenly starts to get closer to mine, my heartbeat starts to hitch up. I could hear it, I just hoped he couldn't.

"Nervous, are we Gigi?" He places his hand on the middle of my chest, feeling my heartbeat. I don't know if it was just a subtle way of trying to cop a feel.

But, for some reason I didn't mind it. Not one bit.

"Gigi?" I whisper, confused.

"You don't like that? I cant make up a nickname for you?" He smiles. "I mean no I- it's fine." I stumble over my words, he parted his lips slightly not responding.

Out of nowhere he just leaned in and went for it, I kissed back with ease, feeling him slip his tongue in with mine. I hummed slightly, feeling the contact.

He started to place hickeys down my neck, before sucking on the top of my boobs, pulling the cut of my dress down, getting a better view on them.

He wasn't subtle I guess.

I grip onto his braids, biting my lower lip. Tom makes his way back up to mine, kissing me. He was a rough kisser. But also gentle at the same time.

His hands snake up my thighs, rubbing me through my wetness that had now appeared. "Shame we're in a closet, isn't it Gigi."

The only thing separating him from touching me was the thin soaked fabric of my underwear.

And I fucking loved it.

"Oh." I moan softly, as he rubs up and down the fabric.

"Times up!" The girl yells, he moves his hands back down my thigh. Back to my knees, his fingers slightly glistened from touching the wetness.

He laughed licking his fingers standing up. "Wish we would've had more time, I would've fucked you endlessly." He sighs, opening the door.

I beg your pardon?

A/N- hey y'all the timeline in this book is messed up a little so YK, don't mind it😘

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