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"Honey, go call Amira for dinner before her food gets cold." Gia points to her door, placing plates on the table, while as Aliyah and Nina were just sitting on their phones, at the table.

"What are you waiting for?! Get up and help me!" She yells to both of them. "Mom, wait! Jeremy's texting me." Nina waves her off.

"Jeremy?" I quirked a brow up.

"Oh really, what did he say?!" Gia runs over, who the hell is Jeremy.

"Don't worry about it, go call Amira." Gia glances up at me. "Do you know I heard he was a good kisser?" Nina follows up.

Good kisser my ass, she's fifteen.

"Who the hell is Jeremy?!" I walked up to the table, watching her giggle uncontrollably.

"Papi, don't worry about it. He's just a... friend!"

"A friend who'll get his head smashed into a wall." I grumbled, walking towards Amira's room. "We don't promote physical violence around here!" Aliyah yells out.

"Look, at the house you're living in and tell me it came from teaching!" I shouted back, before knocking on Amira's door.

"Baby, dinners ready." I creaked the door open, seeing all the lights turned off. Her back turned to the wall, was she sleeping?

Then I heard a small sniffle.

"Amira?" I turned on the light. "Papi i'm not in the mood, go away." She digs herself deeper underneath the sheets.

Who was I going to have to kill?

I walked over, stepping over the piles of clothes I sat on her bed. "Who did it." I warned. "No, you're just gonna go crazy like you always do." I saw a motion of her head shaking.

"I'm perfectly calm right now." I savored a deep breath. She finally gave in, sitting up.

"It's... about a guy." Amira admits, twiddling with her thumbs, it's always about a fucking guy.

"Did he hurt you?" I questioned, raising my brows. "Not physically but... sorry it's just weird to talk about this with you." She struggled to find the right words, oh dear i'm nervous.

"That's okay." I sat criss cross, listening to her.

"Guys, the foods really going to get cold!" Gia interrupted. "Hang on a minute!" I rolled my eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at mom?" Amira gasped, hovering her body backwards.

"No, and you won't ever mention it." I laughed along, with her.

"Ugh, this is so... I can't even say it papi you'll get so mad." She tapped her fingers against her chin, anxiously.

"I won't get mad." I straightened my posture, trying to act all serious. "Okay, fine so... I liked him, a lot." Amira frowned, with a sigh.

"So what's the issue?" I asked, curiously.

"He said he liked me back, but like this is the age where guys start to you know..." She tried to tell me, without actually telling me.

"I'm old, you have to explain further."

"He wanted, certain things from me that I didn't want to give, and he said I was immature and that I should just shut up and give in. But I was raised better to know, that's not a good guy."

"He wanted sexual favors?" I licked my lips in.

She only nodded, scrunching her face up. "This is so weird, isn't it?" Amira cringes. "Want me to admit something to you?" I cracked a smile.

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