Trial! (Day 1)

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Soon the First day of the Trial had Begun and you and Nick were at the defense Bench with Maya and Trucy sitting at the Back with Medaka, Kinue, and the fellow Straw Hats. You were getting your Stuff prepared when A Man walked up to the Plaintiff Bench.

Phoenix: Edgeworth.

Edgeworth: Hello Nick how are you doing? 

Miles Edgeworth (He is A Friend and Former Rival of Phoenix Wright/ He Trained under the Great Von Karma which made him A Total dick but he slowly lightened up over time Thanks to Phoenix saving him from A Murder he didn't commit)

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Miles Edgeworth (He is A Friend and Former Rival of Phoenix Wright/ He Trained under the Great Von Karma which made him A Total dick but he slowly lightened up over time Thanks to Phoenix saving him from A Murder he didn't commit)

Phoenix: Good. How are you doing?

Miles: Perfectly fine. It seems Like we are working against each other once again. May the best Man Win.

Phoenix: You too.

They both then Began shaking hands when suddenly they were both whipped!


Edgeworth: Franziska what the hell!?

Franziska: Foolish Fool!! You're not supposed to Fraternize with the enemy!!

Franziska Von Karma (The Daughter of the Infamous Von Karma/ She is A Woman with A Short Temper and A Whip who she would unleash on anyone who even annoys her even the Judge/ She clearly needs help considering who her Father is)

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Franziska Von Karma (The Daughter of the Infamous Von Karma/ She is A Woman with A Short Temper and A Whip who she would unleash on anyone who even annoys her even the Judge/ She clearly needs help considering who her Father is)

Phoenix: Her!? You're Working with her!?

Edgeworth: Sorry about that Nick, but they hide both of us for this Case.

Y/n: So things Just got worse for us then Huh?

Phoenix: Yep.

Just then the Trial Began as the Judge got on his Seat.

Judge: May the Trial of the L/n Family vs the New Tokyo Pet Shop begin.

Judge (He is the Judge who Judges all of Phoenix's Cases/ He is A Very Finicky and Flip-Floppy Man who isn't really all that Smart/ He is Very Much A Good Man though)

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Judge (He is the Judge who Judges all of Phoenix's Cases/ He is A Very Finicky and Flip-Floppy Man who isn't really all that Smart/ He is Very Much A Good Man though)

Everyone then Got Prepared as you had A Huge Thing to win.

Edgeworth: My I call Mr. Monkey D. Luffy to the stand?

Y/n: Crap baskets...

Luffy then got onto the seat and Edgeworth questioned him.

Edgeworth: So Mr. Luffy, What is your Profession?

Luffy: I'm going to be King of the Pirates!!

Edgeworth: Yes but aren't Pirates Criminals?

Y/n: OBJECTION!! Here in New Tokyo, This is A Internationally Registered Pirate Safe Haven! By Law Pirates can not be touched by Any Government for the act of being A Pirate!

Edgeworth: Hmm, I see. Right, And tell me have you caused any damage?

Luffy: No!

Just then Franziska began whipping him!


Franziska: FOOL! DO NOT LIE!

Judge: Mr. Luffy you cannot lie in this Court.

Luffy: Okay then, Yes we do damage sometimes.

Edgeworth: And does Fairy Tail cause damage?

Luffy: A Lot.



Y/n: Sorry Judge they are Kind of Wacky.

Judge: Fine but please no more Outbursts.

Edgeworth: Now Luffy can you explain what Happened that Night?

Luffy: Sure!

Witness Testimony...

Luffy: I was Fighting my Friend Natsu since my other Friend Gray isn't around and we spent A Whole night fighting, but we didn't break anything! I swear! We kept it on Mansion Grounds! And I give me word as A Pirate!

Edgeworth: Fine then, But I don't Believe it. Who else could have done that damage?

Phoenix: OBJECTION!! It could have been any Number of things!

Edgeworth: OBJECTION!

Phoenix/Y/n: Huh!?

Edgeworth: During an Investigation we Had found A Follicle of Singed Pink Hair on the floor of the Pet shop.

Y/n: How can that-? AAAAAGH!

Franziska then Began whipping you!


Judge: Now that does sound Like Good evidence as Mr. Dragneel does have Pink Hair and Pink Hair isn't that common.

Y/n: Damn.

Judge: We shall continue the Proceedings Tomorrow.

The Judge then Began to slam his Gavel down as you were not in A Tough spot.

Y/n: So What do we do now Nick?

Phoenix: We head back to the Crime scene for Evidence. There's no time to Waste.

Y/n: Right! Everything Rides on this!

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