The Bow comes off!

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So you had Just learned that Kyoko was A Jiangshi otherwise known as A Chinese Hopping Vampire, and this secret had been hidden by her and her big Brother for A Little while.

Y/n: So Wait A Second you're telling me that Your A Vampire and you literally keep yourself under control with A Talisman Bow and eat the Blood of your Big Brother.

Kyoko: Yeah, I Know.

Y/n: You Know You're really Cute for A Vampire.

Kyoko: (Blushing) Oh, Thank you, Y/n.


Fudatsuki Looked like he was about to off on you but Kyoko slapped his Face!

Kyoko: Big Brother shut up! He's Just complimenting me!

Fudatsuki: To my Little sister! 

Y/n: Look I already have A Chinese Hopping Vampire in my Harem So I understand what it's Like, though she's A Lot more Thicc and you A Lot more cute~

Kyoko: (Blushing) T-Thank you...

Fudatsuki: Don't talk to my Sister that way, or Else I'll-

Y/n: (Sigh) Gum Gum Stamp.

You then Kicked him in the face leaving A Shoe print mark on his face as he lightly slammed into A Wall.

Y/n: There I beat you! That means I can date your sister right!

To be Fair there was A Rumor going around that If you can defeat him then you can date his Sister, though nobody did before so that was it was True or Not was yet to be seen.

Just then A Gust of wind Blew by as Kyoko's Bow blew off! Fudatsuki looked Terrified.

Fudatsuki: Y/n... You Might Want to Run...

Y/n: Wait, why would I?


Kyoko had Huge happy-looking eyes that expressed her cuteness but she was also drooling as she Lunged for Her Big Brother her sharp Teeth going for his Neck!

She then stopped halfway and then began Looking at you.

Fudatsuki: Y/N! RUN!

Y/n: Huh!?

Kyoko then Latched on to you pinning you down as her jaws grabbed onto your neck trying to get Blood!


Kyoko: Please Y/n-Chan I need your Blood!! Give me your Blood!! I Love your Blood!!


Fudatuki went to grab the bow and as Kyoko was trying to drink your Blood you coated your neck in Armament Haki protecting you as Fudatsuki then Hastily put it on her hair in A Side Ponytail style and that calmed her down.

Kyoko: ... Eh?

Fudatsuki: Sis... You need to... Secure the Bow more properly... Also... That's too Much Blood for you. That's not... Healthy.

Y/n: So You Like my Blood Huh? Do You Like Me?

Kyoko:(Blushing) Okay Maybe I do! But there's something more important I Must address.

Y/n: What is it?

Kyoko: Big Bro What is with this style!? You need to fix this! This is stupid!

Fudatsuki: We can't control you like that again right away! Give us A Break, please.

Kyoko: And You were getting stronger for what reason again?

Fudatuki: Come on You're as strong as... I say 12 full-grown men. Give me A Break.

Y/n: Awwww, Cute~! 

Fudatuki: Seriously stay away from my sister!!

Kyoko then slapped him!

Kyoko: Don't talk to my new Boyfriend that way, Big Bro.

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