I'm going to Save Lum!

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After Reading that note you were left completely Inconsolable as had locked yourself in your room and refused to come out despite what anyone said and you were bawling your eyes out over it. Never ever since Hakari was Taken away you felt so Hurt.


Just then the door Slammed Open as Shinobu Barged in!


You were still Bawling your eyes out as she walked over slapped the shit out of you and Began throttling you!

Shinobu: Y/n!? What are you doing!? You never do this!

Y/n: (Crying) I... I... I... Lum... A-And... Never coming back and... E-Earth destroyed... N-Note...

Shinobu then read the Note over and got angry.

Shinobu: Lum you fucking Idiot. Y/n Get up.

Y/n: No...

Shinobu: Get up. Now.

She then forced you up.

Shinobu: Y/n, You are never Like this! You have to save Lum! Now!

Y/n: B-But if I do earth would be ruined...

Shinobu: So? You faced an evil space emperor who could do all of that and more with the literal tip of his Finger! You faced Gods, demons, Emperors, and even the Devil Himself! I

Y/n: (Blubbering) B-But why do you care about Lum? You Hate her...

Shinobu: (Sigh) I don't hate her. I am clearly annoyed that you picked her over me first, but I still... care about her.

She then Put you down, cleaned up your face, and got you into A Position ready to fight.

Shinobu: Now Y/n! Are you going to save Lum? Going to save her from An Awful fucking marriage that will die in 2 weeks Flat to A Glutton who doesn't care about her? And are you going to And I'm using your words here, Going to eat that Horse!

Y/n: Y... Y... YES MA'AM!

Shinobu: That's what I thought!! Now Teleport to that Planet, Go see Lum, and save her!!

Y/n: RIGHT! Thanks!

You then kissed her!

Y/n: I totally owe you A Date after this!

Shinobu: (Blushing) Fine. Just go now!

Y/n: Thank you! Bye!

You then Instanted Translated to Lum's Homeworld!

Shinobu: (Blushing) He better fucking give me that Date, and Maybe Lume too... But me first obviously.

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