A Sweet and Cuddly Orc Girl!

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You were currently out and about in town with Elfuda and Kuroeda as you were trying to Pick out some Food for them, you noticed Elfuda Looking at the Big Bags of Fries in the Freezers.

Y/n: Elfuda?

Elfuda: Wow, I had no idea that they had Fries in this Many of Quantity~

Y/n: I'm not buying you those.

Elfuda: Huh!? Why not!?

Kuroeda: Because You're A Fat ass!

Elfuda: Says the Woman with that Huge Ass!

Kuroeda: (Blushing) S-Shut up About that!

The two continued arguing as suddenly A Woman walked up next to you and began staring at something High above.

Y/n: Oh Hey do you need something?

???: Hm, Oh Yeah I need the Big Bag of Tater Tots above you but I can't reach it.

???: Hm, Oh Yeah I need the Big Bag of Tater Tots above you but I can't reach it

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Y/n: Huh? Oh Yeah, No Problem. Gum Gum Pistol.

You then shot your arm up to Grab it as you then brought it down for her.

???: (Blushing) Oh Thank you, You're too Chivalrous.

Y/n: It's Just what Heroes do.

She then took her hat off to try and put it to her chest to thank you, but she revealed her Pig Ears.

Y/n: Eh?

???: Huh? Eep! I-I'm so sorry, I'm Actually An Orc, and I've been trying to slime down please forgive me.

Y/n: Oh It's Okay, My Name is Y/n.

Oku: Mine is Oku.

You then Noticed Elfuda and Kuroeda both glaring at her.

Y/n: Oh God don't tell me That Both kinds of Elves Hate Orcs! That's a level Kind of Racism! It's As if both the Byzantines and Ottomans somehow hated some Random People for very little reason!

Elfuda: Well Orc's aren't really A Very Good People.

Kuroeda: Yeah A Bunch of Barbarians and this one is A Total fatass.

Y/n: (Sigh)

You then walked over and began Pulling on both of their ears.

Elfuda/Kuroeda: OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!

Y/n: Both of you stop it!! Oku, I am so sorry!

Oku: No, It's Okay, They Have A Right to say such things even though It's not True.

Y/n: (Thoughts) God she's Just as sweet as Mom. (Out of thoughts) Look Why don't you come by My Mansion sometime and I'll Probably Train you maybe Lose A Few Pounds.

Oku: Oh Thank you!

She then Hugged you and Gave you A Quick Kiss on the cheek before she walked off with her Bag of Tater Tots.

Y/n: Man, she's so damn sweet and non-confrontational.


Y/n: Hm, Let me think, Oh Right, NO! You two need to learn your lessons. Stop insulting each other and don't Insult Oku! Please!

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