Tis' Time for Torture Y/n!

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Y/n: Well It Looks like I'm in Prison Now. Geez, do You think I would have handled that better?

Of course in A Land Far Away from New Tokyo An empire was fighting against the Hell Lord and his evil forces and you went to save Princess Hime who was captured during A Huge Battle and was sent to be Tortured, but you ended up getting captured yourself.

Y/n: Damn dark Magic is even keeping me from using my Powers. That magic must be developed just for me, So they Knew I was coming.

???: Hello?

Y/n: Oh Hello I- Wait, Princess Hime!?

Hime: Yes, I am. Who are you?

Hime (The Warrior Princess of the Empire/ On the Outside she seems super tough and strong but in reality, she's A Total Pushover especially for the Torture involved/ She Loves to eat yummy things, relax, and Adorable Animals/ She is super Cute/ Sh...

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Hime (The Warrior Princess of the Empire/ On the Outside she seems super tough and strong but in reality, she's A Total Pushover especially for the Torture involved/ She Loves to eat yummy things, relax, and Adorable Animals/ She is super Cute/ She was also Captured by the Hell Lord with her Sword Excalibur or Ex for short)

Y/n: Oh I was trying to save you but I got caught and now my Powers are dampened.

Ex: HAHAHAHAHA! You Might be strong but I Promise you Princess Hime is Stronger! She will get us out!

Ex (Hime's Legendary Blade/ His name is Short for Excalibur/ He can Talk and apparently see as if he has eyes/ He is the straight man for all of Hime's Antics)

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Ex (Hime's Legendary Blade/ His name is Short for Excalibur/ He can Talk and apparently see as if he has eyes/ He is the straight man for all of Hime's Antics)

Y/n: Well I Definitely hope so Sword.

Just then the door to the Prison cell Opened as The Clacking of heels was heard and A Demoness walked in smirking.

Tortura: Tis' Time for Torture Princess.

Tortura Torture (She is the Grand Inquisitor for the Hell Lord/ She is in charge of Torturing Princes Hime every day until she hands over imperial secrets/ Her Torture methods involve Yummy Foods)

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Tortura Torture (She is the Grand Inquisitor for the Hell Lord/ She is in charge of Torturing Princes Hime every day until she hands over imperial secrets/ Her Torture methods involve Yummy Foods)

Her Frankenstien's Monster of A Servant walked inside and put down An Iron Maiden on the floor.

Tortura: Now This time I have something planned for the both of you.

Y/n: (Thoughts) DAMN! She's going to stuff us in that Iron Maiden! I'm not going to speak! I am no way Not going to-!

Tortura: Cake!

The Servant of hers opened up the Iron Maiden to reveal Two slices of Chocolate.

Y/n: Cake? Really?

Ex: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You may have filled Princess Hime many times but Cake!? You can never- Huh!?

Hime was drooling crazily as she eyed that chocolate Cake.

Hime: (Starry eyed and drooling) Chocolate Cake...

Ex: Princess Hime!

Hime: EEP! Y-Yeah, I'm not going to fall for that!

Y/n: I will never either!

Torture then smiled as she pulled out A Silver Fork and Began eating both slices of Rich Chocolate Cake, each time the chocolate smearing her lips as it was driving you both crazy. It Looked like the best chocolate Cake ever and you hadn't eaten ever since you had gotten here. Hime Looked like she was about to snap,

Tortura was soon about to finish the Cake slices.

Tortura: Oh? Look at that. Last Pieces.


Ex: ... S-Seriously?

Tortura: You, Y/n?

Y/n: (Depressed) Hand me the damn Cake...

Ex: ... R-Really? Seriously? Him too?

Tortura: I'm glad you can both Cooperate with me.


Tortura had alerted the Hell Lord's servant to the Empire's secret that Hime revealed today and he went and told the Hell Lord this Information.

Hell Lord (He is the Evil Demon King of the Empire/ In reality he's not that bad being A Loving Husband and Father to his wife and Little girl/ He never wants to fight just wants to learn Humans better to end the war)

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Hell Lord (He is the Evil Demon King of the Empire/ In reality he's not that bad being A Loving Husband and Father to his wife and Little girl/ He never wants to fight just wants to learn Humans better to end the war)

Hell Lord: The Empire Recives Trades of Food Every Month on the 1st? We can't. We have Pay Day every 1st of the Month.


Tortura was in her Bedroom sitting on her Velvet couch Just sitting in front of her Fireplace when she got A Call from the Hell Lord's servant.

Tortura: Yes? The Information was Useless? I see. I shall work harder than.

She then Hung up the phone and began thinking to herself. 

Tortura: Hm, Maybe Youki and Inki can Help me break that Boy? They worked so well with Hime before.

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