Lum is Gone...

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It was A Normal day around the Mansion as Lum was in her Room drawing up A Picture of you and Her in A Heart surrounded by smaller Hearts and she smiled giggling to herself.

Lum: Oh Darling I Love you so Much~! It's almost been A Year since you Picked me up to be your Bride to be.~ I am so Happy~!

Just then Ten floated into the room Looking A Little worried as Lum was then confused.

Lum: Tem? What's wrong?

Ten: Y-You might want to see this.

Lum: Huh?

Ten then Handed her A Holo recording device as it has A Message saved on it. She then pressed Play and an Image of her Father Popped up.

Lum's Father: Sweetie there has been A Change of Plans. You are now being Married to Rei. I Know Your relationship hadn't ended so well before but we wanted to unite the Families and continue the Royal Bloodline before your mother and I passed away.


Lum's Father: Before you Interject Let me Just say if you refuse, We will send out an Oni Fleet to Invade Earth and conquer it so you would be forced to anyway. I am so sorry sweetie but it's Just Royal Business. Just say your Goodbyes and Leave. You are no longer for Earth and That Y/n Kid.

The prerecorded message then ended as Lum Looked heartbroken.

Ten: Lum... Aren't you... Going to say Goodbye to Y/n?

Lum: (Crying) I'm sorry but... That would be too Sad...

Ten: (Thoughts) Poor, Poor, Lum...


You walked into Lum's room as you were ready to give her A Nice Gift to celebrate one year together.

Y/n: Hey Lum I got you This Nice Teal Necklace~ I think it matches your hair and eyes Perfectly~! Lum? Lum, are you here?

You then Found A Note on her bed and Picked it up.

Y/n: Huh? What's this?

You then began to read it.

Y/n: "Y/n I am so sorry but I have to leave. I did not want to do this but If I didn't marry Rei then the whole world was at Stake as my Father would have invaded your whole Planet to force me to proceed with this. I Love you so much that I can't Let that Happen. Please forgive me but we can never see each other again. Goodbye forever. - Lum."

You then began to cry as you stood there unable to Move.

Y/n: G-Goodbye forever... No... Lum... No...

You then fell to the ground Unable to Move as you were left Stricken with Sadness and Grief.

You then fell to the ground Unable to Move as you were left Stricken with Sadness and Grief

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