Meeting the Three Houses!

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Soon You, Team RWBY, And Byleth were all Taken to the Officers Academy where you shall all teach the next generation of Officers Of course, there were other teachers at the Academy.

Hanneman: It's so Nice to meet you all I am Hanneman Professor at the Officers Academy.

Hanneman: It's so Nice to meet you all I am Hanneman Professor at the Officers Academy

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Hannemon (Professor at the Officer's Academy/ He is the Serious one)

Weiss: It is since to meet you Hannemon.

Y/n: Yes, It would be A Pleasure to work with You.

Hannemon: Good, and this is-

Manuela: Oh Hey Sweetcheeks, My Name is Manuela and I'm A Former songstress but Now I am A Professor at the Academy, Nice to meet you, but Mostly the Handsome One right there.

Manuela: Oh Hey Sweetcheeks, My Name is Manuela and I'm A Former songstress but Now I am A Professor at the Academy, Nice to meet you, but Mostly the Handsome One right there

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Manuela (She is A Former songstress and is A Professor at the Officers Academy/ She is A Less serious one and she can be A Bit of A Drunk and A Not very professional person)

Y/n: Oh Me? Handsome?

Manuela: Of course Sweet Cheeks, We never get Professors as Cute as you around here~

Y/n: (Blushing) O-Oh Thank you, Ma'am, I really appreciate it.

Manuela: Oh You're so cute when you're Shy~

Byleth: (Huffs) Excuse me but can we please meet with the Students?

Hannemon: Oh Of course let us set up the meetings with the house Leaders.

1st up Black Eagles...

Y/n: Alright Eldegard what are the People in your House Like?

Eldegard: Well I am next in Line in the Imperial Throne But we also have Hubert who us our Greatets Tactucal Mind, Ferdinand is A Strong willed Man who has A Rivlary with everyone Including me, Bernadetta is so Shy and Timid that she rarely leaves her room and chooses to eat chocolate Cake insetead, Petra is A Foreigne Rulemes from an Archipeligo under Imperial Rule, Linhardt is Completely Lazy but he has his Uses, Dorothea is A Strongess and is the only commoner among us, and Caspar is A Total Hothead but he does have his Honesty which is his Best Trait.

Y/n: Oh That sounds that Good. Thank you.

2nd The Blue Lions...

Y/n: Alright then Dimitri explain your House members, Please.

Dimitiri: Well to be Honest Sylvain is A Casanova who constantly gets himself in trouble, But Ingrid is A Friend of ours who is very Knightly but she forgets herself whenever she has declious Food, Felix is Our Lone wolf Swordsman, Dedue is My Vassel who serves me, Mercedes is our Wizard and she is always helping others, Annette is A Hard working girl, and Ashe wants to be Just Like his Adoptive Father.

Y/n: Nice Thanks for telling me.

Finally Golden Deer...

Y/n: Alright Claude tell me about your Hoise and the People in it.

Claude: Lysithea is our Youngest Member and is A Magical Prodigy, Hilda is A Sweetie who Loves Cute and Fashionable things, Rapheal is Our strong Man and He Loves to study the Menu here, Leonie is A Commonor but she Trains Hard everyday to reach Expectations and Make her Village Proud, Ignatz Loves Painting ans the Arts, Marianne is A Sweet girl who Most of us had never heard her Vocice Before, And Lorenz Has been Approaching girls at the Monestary for A Long time.

Y/n: Thank you for telling me this.

And then...

Hannemon: So Which House do you want to teach.

Byleth: Well...

Y/n: We would Like to teach all of them!

Hannemon: Huh!?

Y/n: I mean they;res five of us and 3 houses, we can do that easily in rotations.

Hannemon: I don't know...

Manuela: Aw Come on Hannemon, I'm pretty sure A Young strapping Man Like Y/n can Eaily Handle it.

Y/n: (Blushing) O-O well thank you, Ma'am...

Hannemon: Alight then all 5 of you shall now teach all 3 Houses!

Ruby: Yay!!

Weiss: Good.

Blake: Perfect.

Yang: Hell Yeah!!

Byleth: Good.

Y/n: Then Let the Teaching Begin everyone!

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