The Nandroids get to work!

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Soon you had Left as the Nandroids were given the Task to be Nannies for your household and of course, the Problem is that... You're Kids aren't... Exactly the Normal child.

Molly: Alright what's the Plan?

Emmy: Well I could take care of Little Anya here.

Amy: You Mean Kirby?

Molly: No. Her name is Anya.

Amy: Oh, I just thought her name was Kirby. I never Mistake A Kirby.

Molly: It's Anya.

Amy: Okay but if she's Kirby then You're wrong.

Molly: I'll deal with the Laundry.

Franny: And I Guess Polly, Amy and I Will Handle the Food?

Molly: Good, Now Go.

They all then Broke up and went in different directions with Emmy being left with Anya.

Emmy: So Mistress Anya what do you like to do?

Anya: Mistress? But I'm Anya.

Emmy: That's your Title Ma'am.

Anya: Hmmm... Okay. Well... I would love to go on A Spy Mission like Mommy and Daddy do with me.

Emmy: Oh Right, Children are known to have Activate Imaginations and Play Games to entertain themselves. Good Then, We Shall Play Spy.

Anya: Yay!


Molly was doing Laundry as she was pretty much cleaning, washing, drying, and folding it and she was slowly getting confused by all of the Different Sizes, shapes, and General complexities of the Clothes.

Molly: Mm, They never... Taught us this. I guess I'll have to make do.

Meanwhile again...

The Three other Robots were Preparing to Make Dinner, as They were Looking around for Ingredients.

Franny: Okay what do we have?

Amy: Some Roast Beef, Some Chicken, some Pizza...

Polly: No, she means ingredients.

Amy: Oh... Some Roast beef, some Chicken, some Pizza...

Polly then Looked inside the Fridge.

Polly: Oh She's right.

Franny: Um... We are Programed with over 1,000,000 Recipes and we have nothing to make with those ingredients.

Amy: What about A Chicken Pizza... Wrapped around A Roast beef?

Franny: That's not In Our Programming Amy.

Amy: Really? Oh Right, My Bad.

That Night...

Y/n: So Damage Report Time Huh? Let me see...  Emmy Peppersprayed some People thinking they were after Anya on some "Spy Mission", Molly Proceeded to Mix up everyone's clothes, and Amy, Franny, and Polly ended up making A Bunch of... Whatever Dog shit Creation with whatever They had on Hand not knowing any other Recipe.

Nandroids: We're so sorry-


They were all confused about why you were laughing and you Just smiled at them!

Y/n: Don't be sorry! That makes you family! We're all A Bunch of Screw ups in the end!

Emmy: But Y/n, We-

Y/n: I Know You're Robots you're not supposed to make Mistakes, but Making Mistakes is the Human experience! Becuase when You're here Your family!


Y/n: There would have been A Bit at My Resturuant with Pasta and Chicken and that all, but I Know Robots don't eat.

Emmy: Actually I sometimes put stuff in my Mouth to simulate eating.

Y/n: See!? That makes you even more Human! You try new things and be all reckless! I mean Go at Life, Make Mistakes, Other things A Certian Crazy Teacher would say in this Situation! I don't care if any of you make Mistakes, Becuase I'll be here to help. You maybe are Nandroids, but call me The Nandroid Helper.

They all then Began to Blush and Feel something Hot in their chests, but they quickly assumed it to be some Mechanical Proccess they never explained at School, when Humans give them gratitude.

But Truthfully that made them more Human.

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