The Yokai watch Duo Confession!

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So After Hanging out for A Little while it was revealed Katie was Just like her old self as she was Beautiful, Kind, and To be fair A Little dense in the head, but that made her even Cuter. You Know you had to Confess but you had to call someone first.

Math: Bro! What is it?

Y/n: Dude, It's Katie!

Math: Katie? Do you mean your Middle school Crush?

Y/n: Yes Look at her!

Math then poked his head over the corner and reeled it back in.

Math: (Impressed Whistle noise) Man, she got beautiful.

Y/n: I Know!

Math: Look Dude so what if she's Katie? You have A Million women in your Harem!

Y/n: It's nowhere near A Million.

Math: The Point is that You have A Huge Harem and you have women Like Medaka, Tsunade, and even Erza, and Yor, I mean... Hell, you even have Hancock!! You are A Harem Master! This is your God damn Art! Now go in there and tell her how you feel!

Y/n: Right, Thank you, Bro!

You then walked in and sat down next to Katie as you smiled.

Katie: Hm? Was something wrong Y/n?

Y/n: (Blushing) N-Nothing It's Just... Katie... I always had A Crush on you ever since Middle school and You were always so beautiful, sweet, and Popular, and I Loved you, Now that we meet again I have A Harem, and I want to know would you be in that Harem?

Katie: (Blushing) Y-You Like me? I-I have no Idea...

Y/n: (Blushing) Look I Know this is all of A Sudden but-

Katie: (Blushing) I always had A Crush on you!

Y/n: Eh?

Katie: (Blushing) I-I mean I knew I never really showed it but I was crushing on you like really Hard, and I may done some stupid stuff due to Yokai, but That Just made me embarrassed and it kept me from Confessing because I thought after all of that you would never Love me!

Y/n: Yeah... I still remember when I was an Idiot and Suggested you should have eaten Less but that was A Yokai, and you were very Offended...

Katie: I don't remember That.

Y/n: Another Yokai ate that Memory because of A Deal I made because I was an Idiot, I'm sorry.

Katie: Pfft, hehehehahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Y/n, I Love you so Much! You're Just amazing Dork sometimes!

She then Pecked you on the Cheek as you Blushed.

Katie: Besides Since I never did before I forgive you for that comment.

Katie then walked off to get some more Snacks and you Just had the Goofiest smile on your face.

Y/n: Aaaaah...~

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