Battle at the Canyon!

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Soon You were all called in by Rhea once again as she had A Mission to give all of You Including The Three Houses.

Y/n: Lady Rhea what do you need?

Rhea: Well first of all thank you for being so Polite Y/n, That's very sweet of you. Also, I have A Mission for all of you. It seems like those Bandits you had all fought before had moved Operations to A Canyon near the place where you Last fought them.

Byleth: Really.

She remember when the Previous leader nearly Killed her but Sophis had saved her and taught her how to reverse time to save herself and others.

Y/n: Byleth? Byleth are you Okay?

Byleth: Huh? Yeah, I'm good.

Weiss: So We're all going to A Canyon Huh?

Ruby: Oh Boy That sounds like Fun!

Weiss: I doubt it.

Y/n: Alright Let's go, Team! We all need to stop some Bandits once again!


Soon you had all Gotten to the Bandit Camp which was not Just at the Bottom of A Canyon but was in some Ruins, which seemed Strange.

Y/n: Huh, Why Ruins? That seems to make no sense.

Edelgard: It seems to give them A Lot of Vantage Points.

Y/n: Yes, but not Many.

Dimitri: We need to attack before they can see us.

Blake: He has A Point. They don't see us now and we can use that to Our advantage.

Y/n: Alright then Let's go.

Soon You all charged down the Canyon before the Bandits had even Noticed you all coming and soon A Huge Battle had Begun To Tear down Bandits as they kept trying to fight Back.

Y/n: Man is it me Or are they easier than before?

Byleth: Probably because they're are A Lot more of us Now!

Y/n: Yep!

You both then slashed A Bandit in two as everyone else was taking their hacking them down!

Edelgard: HA!!

She then cleaved one across the chest, as Bernadetta had A Problem with Killing anyone, as Yang approached her.

Yang: Bernie what's wrong?

Bernadetta: I Can't Kill anyone! There's too Much Blood!

Yang: Just Aim and shoot! Mostly for the head!

Bernadetta: Alright then...

She then shot an Arrow and it Impaled A bandit through the eye!


Yang: But don't You feel the Adrenaline?

Bernadetta: Y-Yeah?

Yang: Yeah, Use it then!

Bernadetta: Y-Yeah! I feel the adrenaline!!

She then began shooting Killing more Bandits as Dimitri Impaled another Man through the Mouth Killing him as Dedue Hacked another one's head off!

Dedue: Good Form Dimitri!

Dimitri: Thank you Dedue, I appreciate it.

He then Impaled another one through the arm making him drop his weapon as Dedue then slashed his arms off!

Rapheal Tore A Man in Half with his Ax as he ripped his Jaw Clean off and he smiled.

Rapheal: Wow we are all so Much stronger than before! I can now rip extremities Off!

Hilda: Yeah, Mr. Y/n is Amazing! So Is Ms. Ruby!

She then sliced another one's neck open with her Ax!

You saw the New Bandit leader running away as you saw your chance!

Y/n: Special Beam Cannon!!

You then Impaled him through the chest as he lay down dead.

Just then Time Froze as Byleth was the only one Moving and she saw Sothis.

Sothis: Hey Byleth.

Byleth: Wait why are you here?

Sothis: I don't know this place seemed familiar to me.

Byleth: Really? How come?

Sothis: I don't recall. Anyways, I Just came here for that. This is Just Nostalgia to me, Also I wanted to see how you were doing.

Byleth: Alright then, I-

Y/n: Byleth? Byleth? Byleth!

Byleth suddenly woke up.

Byleth: Huh?

Y/n: You were Just standing there dazed! What Happened?

Byleth: I'm fine I swear Good, let's Get rid of the rest of them!

Y/n: Right!

You all then Proceeded to Kill the rest of them.

Later back at the Monastery...

Rhea: Good Job all of you Good Job. I Must admit putting you all in these Positions was A Great Idea. 

Byleth: Oh Thank you, Lady Rhea.

Rhea: You Know that Canyon was A Very Special Spot.

Blake: How come?

Rhea: It is where our Prophet Sieros had first started our Church. You see A Very Long time ago that spot was an Ancient City and he was coming across the City Sieros had encountered the Goddess and was told to start the church.

Y/n: Fascinating.

Byleth: (Thoughts) Wait was that girl... The Goddess?

Rhea: You May Leave now.

You all then got up and Left as You Noticed the Look of Concern on Byleth's Face

Y/n: (Thoughts) What's up with Byleth? It's Like she's seen something Big.

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