A Mermaid in the Fish Market!

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You were at the New Tokyo Fish Market which was A Few literal Miles by the Port filled with all sorts of Aquaticv food from all over the world and you were looking for some Fish to cook your two Elf girls since they needed A Healthy Meal every so once in A While.

You were carrying A Couple of A Popular Giant Type of Mackeral in A Cart when you spotted A Suspicious figure running through some Crates at the Docks trying to Avoid any Suspicion.

Mero (She is A Mermaid Monster girl hailing from another World/ She works as A Fish monger and Is An Absolute Troll who Loves to mess with others/ She can make some Fake Legs and even Sing songs that Mind control People)

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Mero (She is A Mermaid Monster girl hailing from another World/ She works as A Fish monger and Is An Absolute Troll who Loves to mess with others/ She can make some Fake Legs and even Sing songs that Mind control People)

Y/n: Hey! What are you doing?

Mero then ran off as you chased after her!

Y/n: Hey! Get back here!

The Girl then continued to Run as she then Began to sing which Began Mind controlling whoever heard her, and you saw it coming!

Y/n: Okay! I got this!

You then Created A Noise Cancelling Barrerier around you with the Calm Calm fruit and She saw this so she ran faster until she hid Behind A Crate.

Mero: Whew! Thankfully I Lost him.

She then Turned around and met you.

Mero: Oh My God you can grind meat on those! GAH!!

Y/n: What are you and what are you doing here!?

Mero: W-Wait I'm sorry! The Truth is I Just wanted to mess with everyone!

Y/n: Huh?

Mero: I Just wanted to make everyone act Like chickens or I can draw on their faces with A Sharpie.

Y/n: Oh God It's A Happy.

Mero: Huh? Whose that?

Y/n: Nevermind! Who are you?

Mero: My Name is Mero and I'm A Mermaid.

She then Transformed her Fake legs into A Blue Mermaid Tail and she had Blue mermaid Fish Fins on the sides of her head!

Y/n: Oh I'm sorry about that, But what are you doing here?

Mero: To be Honest I Just wanted to cause some Trouble.

Y/n: Well Don't. Okay?

Mero: Okay.

You then Began walking off as Mero restored her Fake Legs and Tried to get back up but you helped her up.

Y/n: Hey Mero?

Mero: Yeah?

Y/n: Do you want come to my Place for Dinner? We have some Huge Fish.

Mero: Really? Yummy! Thank you!

Y/n: Okay, Your welcome.

You then Began walking off as Mero slowly kept up from Behind and she smiled.

Mero: You Mind I stay the Night as well? I usually sleep in the Ocean.

Y/n: Sure It's fine. (Thoughts) I Get the feeling she's going to be A New Girlfriend. She's Cute~!

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