A Fight against A Rebellion!

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Soon Rhea had called all of you up to her monastery for Another mission and this time it wasn't Good.

Rhea: Everyone I have some bad news. Apparently, One of our Knights Named Lord Lonato had started A Rebellion against the Church and Had to be Put down.

Ruby: That's Terrible!

Rhea: I Know. They will all sorely be Missed. I need you all to put them down before they can cause any Harm.

Y/n: Yes Ma'am.

Rhea: For this Mission, I had gotten our Strongest Knight to help you.

Just then A Woman walked in.

Rhea: Ah, Catherine You're here Just on time.

Catherine (The Strongest Knight in all of The Church Of Seiros/ Loyal to Rhea/ She wields one of the 10 Holy weapons)

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Catherine (The Strongest Knight in all of The Church Of Seiros/ Loyal to Rhea/ She wields one of the 10 Holy weapons)

Catherine: Thanks, Now You're all by coming with me and my Group of Knights, and we're going to Kick some ass.

Yang: Yeah, Let's Kick some Knights ass! We'll Make them cry back to their Mommies!

Catherine: HA! I like the way you speak Blondie!

Yang: You're Blonde too.

Byleth on the other hand kept getting A Strange thought that something is wrong.


Weiss was walking around helping to get the Blue Lion House prepared for the upcoming Battle when Ash approached her.

Ashe: Miss Schnee.

Weiss: Yes, Ashe?

Ashe: I had Heard the one leading the Rebellion is lord Lonato right?

Weiss: Yes, why ask?

Ashe: The Truth is That's My Adoptive Father.

Weiss: Really?

Ashe: You see he adopted me from my Commoner life and made me into the Man I am today and I truly Look up to him, and I don't want to Kill him. It's Just... I can't.

Weiss: Ashe, sometimes We have to make hard Decisions.

Ashe: did you ever have to make A Hard decision, Miss Schnee?

Weiss: Yes I Had. It was leaving my Mother with my Father. My Father puts up the front of A Good wealthy family Man but in reality, He was an abusive Piece of Shit. He would smack around and berate my mother so much she would drink herself to the Point of being wasted half of the time. I had to go to Star Academy to try and escape him but It was me or my Mother, and I chose me.

Ashe: Wow, That's... Wow.

Weiss: I Know, Now get ready.

Ashe: Yes, Miss Schnee!


Catherine had led everyone to A Nearby place where the rebel Knights had set up Encampment and She led the charge.


The Rebel Knights spotted this and they charged in as A Huge Battle started!

Y/n: Black Eagles to the Front Lines! Blue Lions and Golden Deer to the Flanks! Pinsir Movement!

Ashe was firing arrows at A Bunch of Random Knights when he saw Lord Lonato charging at Weiss with A Sword in Hand!


He then remembered something Weiss had said.


Ashe: What if... Do I have to Kill my Father?

Weiss: Sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the better. Something like that could come up in A Desperate time.

Ashe: I see. Thank you.

Flashback End!

Ashe: Tch! I have to do this!

He then fired an Arrow and it Hit Lord Lanato right in the eye piercing his brain and ending him right there and then!

Weiss then Looked to see that Ashe fired the Arrow and was Horrified.

Weiss: Ashe! Did you-?

Ashe then ran over and grabbed his father's helmet removing it seeing his Bloodied up and disfigured face after the arrow rammed into his eye, and he simply Picked up his Helmet and Put it to his head in A Loving gesture.

Ashe: Father... He would never do this...

Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?

Ashe: Lord Lonato My Own Father would never do this... He Loved the church... And... And I Killed him... I killed my own Father...

Weiss: Y/n, I believe what he said was True. His Father wouldn't have ever done anything like this.

Y/n: Then why would he-?

Ashe: I have no Idea... He... He would never do this... 

Y/n: Really?

Soon the entire Rebel Knight force was wiped out as Catherine fired the final Blow!

Catherine: Good Job everyone! Archbishop Rhea would be very Pleased.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Wait, Wait other Kinds of Evil things Rhea is doing?

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