Revival of A Union Member!

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Madara walked into the Cloning room once again as he walked over to Gero.

Madara: Gero?

Gero: Yes, Yes, what is it?

Madara: How is the new Project?

Gero: Oh You mean the Mecha rex? Well, I got it A Drift feature, A Party Feature, A "Fight me" Feat-

Madara: No, Not that. The newest Clone.

Gero: Oh! Oh Right, Never mind the Mecha Rex stuff. That's Just something I had been working on the side. Our Project to bring back someone with A Negator ability has been unsuccessful so far but trust me this one is A Complete success.

Madara: Good. If we can't beat L/n  with anyone normal then An extremely rare and Powerful Negator would work. Release her!

Gero: Right!

He then began to pull A Lever and A Test Tube was revealed as it lay flat on the ground it revealed A Beautiful Pink-haired woman inside as the Healing Juices Poured out.

Madara: Gina of the Infamous Union, Died at age 66-

Gina: No! I'm 16! I've always been 16! Now why am I alive again? I remembered dying.

Gina (A Former Negator for the Union/ Power: Unchanging/ She has the power to create forcefields in any shape Such as Balls, Blades, and even Hands/ She has had A Major crush on you ever since she met you 50 years ago when you were in A previous L...

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Gina (A Former Negator for the Union/ Power: Unchanging/ She has the power to create forcefields in any shape Such as Balls, Blades, and even Hands/ She has had A Major crush on you ever since she met you 50 years ago when you were in A previous Life/ She is A Total Yandere and she also has the same Voice as Komi-San shockingly/ She is also 66 Years old)

Madara: Correct you were Killed by Two of the Current Union members.

Gina: Damn Undead and that Slut of his!

Madara: But we have given you life for A New Mission, Gina. Kill someone for us.

Gina: Make it anyone and I'll do it!

Madara: Kill Y/n L/n!

Gina: (Thoughts) Y/n!? My Schnookums!? I Can Never Kill him! He's the Most wonderful man in the world! He's perfect in every day! I wish I could Just keep him in An Orb which he can never escape! But I can use this opportunity... To catch him and make him mine!

Madara: Is it A Deal? Kill Him and we will do anything you want?

Gina: Heh, Of course!

Madara: Good, Now Get going. We can't wait to see him gone.

Gina: (Thoughts) And I can't wait to make him Mine!

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