Dungeons sure are Fun!

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You, Asta, Nero, and Noelle continued to walk around the Dungeon as it was A Twisting Hallway of Turns, dead ends, and other rooms, and Noelle still had her clothes half chewed as she was walking along trying to cover any indecent spots.

Y/n: So Asta, what are you Looking for?

Asta: Well Captian said it could be some Treasure. Something Aking to A Montezuma's Gold.

Y/n: Ah, Nice.


Asta: Hey You do you.

Noelle then smacked him up the head.

Noelle: IDIOT!

Y/n: Let me have A Go at this. Clothes Beam!!

You then restored her Clothes!

Noelle: (Blushing) Thank you Y/n.

Y/n: It's no Problem. Now Let's see where we need to go.

There were two huge Tunnels ahead of all of you.

Y/n: Hmm... Tough choice...

Asta: I'm going with the left.

Y/n: Why Left?

Asta: Because that's my Intuition.

He then began to walk in there only for A Giant Centipede Monster to come out, and attack all of you!

Y/n: Damnit Asta!


Noelle: Don't worry I can Help!

She then Created Bubble shields around all of you!

Y/n: Thanks, Noelle! Now Let me try something!

You then Grabbed Three of your swords and coated them in Armament Haki! You then coated them in Anti-Magic!

Asta: Wait, You've been learning Anti-magic!?

Y/n: I'm been trying to take an example from you.

Asta: Dude, Nice.

The Giant Centpiede then Launched A Giant Magical energy Beam which you grabbed all swords and smiled!

Y/n: Santoryu Water Breathing: Black Water Wheel Three thousand worlds Trichilochasm!!

You then cut down the Giant Centipede Monster as you also completely destroyed the Tunnel it came out of!

Noelle: Welp we now have one tunnel to go through now.

Asta: Definitely makes our lives easier. You all then continued down that Tunnel as you had to use Fure Magic to Create A Light for all three of you and you all then Began to see something Shiny in the distance.

You all then Began running when suddenly you spotted it! The Treasure! The Treasure was A Small Idol of A Large Woman made out of Mammoth Ivory from an ancient civilization.

Y/n: Wait A Moment...

Asta: Is that what we came here for? A Statue of A Fat Lady.

Y/n: No Asta this Might be the history in the Making!

Noelle: How come?

Y/n: This is Probably Tens of Thousands of years old! Made during the Stone Age when Mammoths roamed across Eurasia! This is amazing! This is Literally the Oldest Religious Idol in all of Human History! A Stone Age of A Goddess of Fertility!

Asta: Boring.


Y/n: Exactly!

Asta: Then Let's Take it!

Asta then tried to Grab it but you slapped his hand away!

Asta: Ow! Why!?

Y/n: You can't just take stuff! Have you ever seen Indiana Jones? You have to not trip up A Trap!

Asta: Seriously? Does this even Look Dangerous?

Y/n: Shut up for A Moment, please.

You then Grabbed A Sack full of Marbles as you began weighing it.

Yn: Should be the same weight.

You then quickly made the Trade-off as you quickly traded the Idol with the sack of marble.

Y/n: You see that's how you do-

Just then the whole Dungeon Shook.

Y/n: ... Oh Boy.

The Room then Began Collapsing as You quickly Grabbed Asta and Noelle and You were all Instantly Transmitted out of there before you could all be crushed by the weight of 100ft of Rock and Soil.

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