Battle at the Monastery!

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Soon Rhea had sent you all on another Mission because it was discovered in Lonato's person A Plot to assassination against her and now you were all Guarding the Monastery to protect her.

Y/n: (Yawn) Man I am so Tired...

Byleth then offered you A Cup smiling.

Byleth: Coffee?

Y/n: Oh Thanks Byleth, this Patroling sure is Tiring.

 Byleth: Yep, I can understand that, we've been doing this all Night.

Y/n: Don't you think this is All A Little suspicious?

Byleth: What do you mean?

Y/n: Why would Lonato Just carry A Note on Killing Rhea right on his Person? I mean that seems Both stupid of him and very coincidental.

Byleth: I know that does seem very Strange.

Y/n: Thankfully we got some Help.


You had gotten some Help from Catherine but also from A Knight and her apprentice.

Y/n: Wait, who are you two?

Shamir: My name is Shamir.

Cyril: And My Name is Cyril

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Cyril: And My Name is Cyril.

Weiss: Wait, what do you do?

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Weiss: Wait, what do you do?

Cyril: I am Shamir's Apprentice. I am training to become A Knight under her.

Shamir: We were sent here to help you, on this Mission.

Y/n: Good! Welcome Aboard!

Flashback End!

Just then Ruby ran over and began to try and get to you.

Ruby: Y/n, Y/n, Y/n!

Y/n: What is it?

Ruby: We think we found whoever is behind the Assassination Plot.

Y/n: Good! Let's confront them!

Soon you all went off to see A Bunch of Priests and Mages in different colored Clothes than the Seiros church.

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