A Trip to Namek!/ The Return of the Revenge of Cooler!

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We Open up with A Ship flying across the Universe Inside everyone is Hanging out waiting to get to an Alien Planet.

Math: Ah, Namek this would be such A Great Vacation spot! But I don't know why we have to Take the old Capsule Corp Ship.

Y/n: Because Bulma Modified it to make it much bigger and have Far better living quarters, also The Gravity Training room is Much Bigger, Which is Great for Team RWBY!

Ruby: Yep! We Just keep getting stronger!

Weiss: To be Fair I do want to see the Alien culture of an Alien Planet.

Blake: And It's Literature.

Ruby: Besides, I think Yang is Just here for the Food.

Y/n: But Namekians don't eat.

Blake: Try telling Luffy and Yang that.


Y/n: Tohru Thank you for coming with us and  Making us Food.

Tohru: Aww, Anything for you Y/n~! At least we have One less Mouth to feed with Piccolo.

Math: Yeah He's Just been standing there meditating the entire time.

Piccolo: (Thoughts) And I'm saying it's Boring as shit.

Kami: Oh Please Piccolo, I for one am Excited to see our Albino Brethren.

Nail: Should we tell him?

Piccolo: (Thoughts) No Let him have it.

Y/n: If anything goes wrong we have Trunks here to Help us all.

Trunks: Dad, I'm Happy to be Visiting Namek and all that but every time we show up to Namek something goes wrong.

Y/n: Like What?

Trunks: Frieza.

Y/n: Touche but the only family he has left is Cooler and we Killed him back on Earth. There is no possible way he can-

Ruby: Hey Everyone Do Planets Get Cancer?

Weiss: No You dolt! Planets don't get Can- HUH!? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?

Everyone then Looked outside to see Planet Namek with What Looked like A Giant Tumor on top!

Everyone then Looked outside to see Planet Namek with What Looked like A Giant Tumor on top!

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Math: It Looks like some kind of Spaceship.

Weiss: What Kind of spaceship Looks like that!? Nothing! No Kind!

Y/n: I don't know I've seen some Seriously wacky Ships and this is one of them.

Luffy: Well I'll Kick it's Ass!!


Luffy: Yes I can! I Have God's Powers remember!

Y/n: This is space! You still need Air!

Luffy: But it doesn't, so Neither would I! So I'm going to Kick It's ass!

Y/n: Tohru.

Tohru: Yes?

Y/n: Pound him.

Tohru: Right!

She then Beat up Luffy.

Tohru: Did I do Good, Y/n?

Y/n: You did Perfectly!

You pet her head as she wagged her Tail.

Y/n: Now Let's Kick some Ass whoever they are!

Meanwhile on Namek...

All of the Namekians were being rounded up by An Army of Large Robot warriors who were put into the Giant Ship to be used.

All of the Namekians were being rounded up by An Army of Large Robot warriors who were put into the Giant Ship to be used

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Namekian Warrior: (Thoughts) Time to fuck some Faces!

He then Broke Free and Tried to Punch one but it Grabbed his Face!

Namekian Warrior: AGH! MY FACE!

Just then the Robot was destroyed, as all of you Landed to save everyone!

Namekian Villager: It's Y/n!! He's here to save us!!

All of the Namekians cheered as you smirked.

Y/n: Alright I'm going to fight you!

Robot: Beep.

The Robot was then backed up by several dozen More.

Robots: Beep.

Y/n: And You're Friends.

Robot: Beep.

Y/n: What? What are you saying?

Robot: Beep.

Y/n: You want what?

Robot: Beep.

Y/n: Well We have one but it's not done cooling our Bottles of Soda.

???: I think He's referring to me.

Y/n: No...

Math: I-It can't be...

Y/n: But it is... It's... It's...!

Cooler: It is I! Cooler returning back from the Grave in A New Metal Body! I am Back to finally exact my revenge upon you Filthy Monkeys!

Cooler: It is I! Cooler returning back from the Grave in A New Metal Body! I am Back to finally exact my revenge upon you Filthy Monkeys!

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