The Plan!

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Conan had roped you into his Plan which Involved you, Ran, and Sonoko sneaking into A Night club to use the Sewers Underneath to get to A Building to stop some Drug Peddlers from some Huge Pharmaceutical organization to send out Illegal drugs.


They Might have been the people to turn him into A Kid.

You and Conan were standing Behind the Chainlink fence outside of the club as you were both watching A Line of People enter.

Y/n: Okay Conan where are the girls?

Conan: They're coming. I told them to Dress appropriately.

Y/n: Appropriately? I seriously have Never been to A Club before so what's appropriate?

Just then Ran and Sonoko showed up and... W-Wow!

Ran: Ugh, This Dress is too Short... I feel like A Floozey...

Sonoko smiled as she gave her A Pat behind the back.

Sonoko: I Know but Trust me Guys seriously love this. I feel Kind of Sexy.

They were both wearing those Short, Tight, Black Dresses, with Black Heels, and you had another Nosebleed and fell to the ground.

Conan: Of course.

He then gave you more smelling salts.

Y/n: Agh! What Happened!?

Conan: Please control your Carnal Urgers.

Y/n: Excuse me!? You Maybe A Kid again so you couldn't tell but those two Look so Damn Hot!

They both Blushed upon hearing that.

Conan: Just get into that Club. I would but, as you can see I am A Kid again, as you Just said.

Y/n: Right.

The three of you then got into Line with Ran and Sonoko holding your arms pretending to be your Girlfriends and as soon as you all got to the door the Bouncer stopped you.

Bouncer: Hold up You're not on the List.

Y/n: Yes we are.

Bouncer: What's your name?

Y/n: Y/n, Ran, and Sonoko.

Bouncer: You're not on the List.

Y/n: HEY! I say we're on the List! We should be on it, sir!

Bouncer: B-But I swear you're not-

Y/n: Well wait until Mr. Pufferman hears about this!

Bouncer: Whose Mr. Pufferman?


Bouncer: R-Right, I'll let you in.

Y/n: Also give us some VIP Passes.

Bouncer: Why?


Bouncer: Y-Yes, of course!

He then handed you all VIP Passes as you all walked in.

Ran: Wow, that was very Cool.

Sonoko: Do you really know Mr. Pufferman?

Y/n: No, I just made that up on the spot.

Sonoko: Nice.

Y/n: Now Let's all split up. When we find A Secret entrance to the Sewer alert the others.

Ran/Sonoko: Right.

Y/n: Now Break.

You then split up to find that secret entrance.

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