Chapter 140. The Rapture

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Deans POV

"Well, what'd he say, guys? What was so important?" Sam asks me and Ana as we walk through a warehouse, flashlights on. Me and Ana had both jumped awake before we woke Sam up and told him Cas had visited us in our dreams and told us to meet him here.

"If we knew, would we be here?" Ana asks him annoyed, as we ascend a set of stairs. "I'm only asking." Sam tells her just as we walk up the stairs to see destruction and dead bodies. "What the hell?!" Ana says shocked. "It looks like a bomb went off." Sam says. "There was a fight here." I point out. "Between who?" Sam asks while my flashlight beam lands on a symbol painted in blood on the wall.

"Check it out. Look familiar?" I ask Ana and Sam. "Yeah, it does." They say. "Anna used something like that to wish the angels back to the cornfield." Sam says. "So, wait. Cas was fighting angels?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say as we look around. "Ana. Sam." I call out and we run over to see Cas under some rubble. "Cas? Cas. Hey, Cas." Me and Ana asks and Castiel starts to wake up. "What's...? What's...? What's going on?" He asks, in a voice that isn't his own. Normally, Castiel has this deep gravelly sounding voice, this guy...he sounds like a normal guy. "Just take it easy, okay?" Ana assures as we help him up.

"Oh, no." Cas mutters. "Cas, you okay?" Sam asks him. "Ugh, Castiel. I'm not Castiel. It's me." Cas, or not Cas, says. "Who's me?" Ana asks. "Jimmy. My name's Jimmy." He replies. "Where the hell is Castiel?" Me and Ana ask. "He's gone." Jimmy replies.


We bring Jimmy back to the motel, where he sits at the table and devours a burger, almost like he hasn't eaten in years. "You mind slowing down? You're gonna give me angina." I say. "I'm hungry." Jimmy says.

"When's the last time you ate?" Sam asks him. "I only know. Months." Jimmy says before taking another bite of his burger and then continues to eat ravenously. "What the hell happened back there? It looked like an Angel battle royale." Ana says. "All I remember is a flash of light and I, uh...I woke up and I was just, you know, like, me again." Jimmy replies shrugging.

"So, what? Cas just ditched out of your meat suit?" I ask him. "I really don't know." He replies. "You don't remember anything about being possessed? Anything at all?" Sam asks him. "Yeah, bits and pieces. I mean, Angel inside you, it's kinda like being chained to a comet." Jimmy says.

"That doesn't sound like much fun." Ana mumbles. "Understatement." Jimmy grumbles. "Cas said he wanted to tell us something. Please tell me you remember that." Sam says and Jimmy thinks for a moment then shakes his head. "Sorry." He says.

"Come on, what do you know?" I ask. "My name is Jimmy Novak. I'm from Pontiac, Illinois." He says then he tells us about his family and he came to be possessed by Castiel.

"So, what do we do?" Sam asks as the three of us stand outside. "What do you mean? The guy's got a family. We buy him a bus ticket, send him home." I say. "I don't know about that. Dean, he's the only lead we got." Sam says. "He doesn't know anything." I say. "Are you 100% sure about that?" He asks and Ana looks at him.

"You think he's lying? What, you wanna go Guantanamo Bay on the guy?" She asks sarcastically. "Ana, maybe he doesn't even know what he knows." Sam says confusing me and her. "Huh?" We both say. "I say, at least we get him to Bobbys. Maybe all he needs is hypnosis or a psychic. Or hell, maybe Cas will just drop back into him." Sam suggests. "I don't know, man." I say unsure.

"Dean, back there, that was Angel-on-Angel violence. Now, I don't know what's going on, but it's big. And we can't just let the only lead we got just skip out." Sam says and I shake my head.

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