Chapter 116. Monster Movie

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Dean's POV

"The radio around here sucks." I say as I fiddle with the radio. "Come on man." Sam says exasperated from the backseat. "Jobs don't get much sweeter than this, you know?" I ask. "Dead vic with a gnawed on neck, body drained of blood, and a witness that swears up and down that it was a vampire." Ana recites. "No, I-I agree. It's a hell of a case." Sam says, not sounding really enthusiastic.

"Jeez, do you think you can calm your excitement down?" Ana asks him sarcastically. "It's just...the world is coming to an end. Things are a little complicated, you know?" Sam points out. "Yeah, well, we can't save the world, not today anyway. But what we can do is chop of some vamps heads." I say but we notice the upset look on Sam's face.

"Come on, man, it's like the good old days, and honest-to-goodness monster hunt. It's about time the Winchesters got back to tackling. A straightforward, black and white case." I say as Ana furrows her eyebrows at me. "I ain't a Winchester yet." She tells me and I smirk at her. "You've always been a Winchester, sweetheart." I tell her and she smiles.


We come up to this town with a sign hanging over some light post that says: OKTOBERFEST 2008. Polka music is blaring and women are dressed in barmaid outfits and some men are wearing lederhosen. The three of us adjust our suits as we exit the Impala and walk forward.

"We still gotta see the new Raiders movie." I say. "Yeah, I haven't got around to see it." Ana tells me. "Seen it." Sam admits as I look over at him, incredulous. "Without us?" I ask him. "You were in hell." Sam says as Ana looks at me. "He got you there, babe." She says.

"That's no excuse, baby." I grumble to her as she rolls her eyes and I look over to a pretzel vendor. "Big pretzel!" I exclaim as Ana and Sam smile and shake their heads at me. I then accept three pretzels from the vendor.

"Thank you." I say as I hold one out to Sam, who takes it, and one to Ana. "You can have it, I'm not hungry." She tells me and I frown at her. "You sure?" I ask and she smiles as she nods. Me and Sam take a bite out of our pretzels as a blonde woman walks by us.

"Guten tag." She greets. "Guten tag." I say with a mouthful of pretzel and Ana elbows me in my side. "Geez, don't talk with your mouth full." She says and the girl chuckles. "Sorry, sometimes I feel like a parent to these boys." Ana says to her. "I think every woman can understand that." The woman says as they laugh and I glare at Ana.

She gives me a fake smile. "You've got something on your face." She tells me as she slaps my cheek, making it sting a bit as she bites her lip. "All gone." She says as I glare at her as she smirks at me. The girl laughs. "I'll leave you two it then." She says before walking off.

"Why'd you slap me for?" I ask her. "Felt like it." She says as I give her a deadpan look. "Sorry, I thought you liked a bit of roughness." She says as I gulp before Sam clears his throat, getting our attention. "Looks like that's our man." He says as he points towards an old man in a sheriff's uniform.

We nod and follow Sam as we walk up to the old man. "Sheriff Dietrich." Sam says and the sheriff looks up at us. "Are you the onez from the feds?" He asks. "Agent Agnes, Johnson and Young." Sam introduces as we show him our badges.

"We called ahead about your, uh, problem." Ana tells him as we put our badges away. "Right. Um...I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?" He says as he gets up. I look around quickly and spot that blonde waitress staring at Ana, biting her lip.

Okay, then.


At the morgue, the Sheriff opens the door of a body tray and slides it out to reveal a body that is covered up with a sheet. "Marissa Wright, 26, just up from Lockhard for the 'fest. Terrible. Just terrible. It's the last thing this town needs at peak tourist season." He says as he pulls back the sheet to reveal a young woman. "Definitely the last thing Marissa Wright needed." Sam remarks with a tight smile as Ana rolls her eyes at him.

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