Chapter 124. I Know What You Did Last Summer

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Deans POV

We see Sam playing pool in the bar and we walk over to him. "Excuse me. My brother's a little sauced to be making bets." I tell the guy his playing against. "He insisted." The guy says nodding towards Sam. "Yeah, but you've already taken enough from him." Ana says. "Hey, shut up, guys. I'm fine!" Sam shouts at us. "No, you're not fine. You're drunk!" I say and Sam turns to the guy.

"Let's make it five hundred." He tells him. "Five hundred?" Ana and I say shocked but the guy seems intrigued. "Sure." He says and Sam puts the money down on the pool tables. "Five hundred. Your break." The guy say then looks down.

Sam looks at me and Ana, raising his eyebrows and for a second, there's no sign that he is drunk. Ana and I frown at each other as Sam breaks, sinking several balls making the guy shocked, before Sam looks across the bar. "Keep the money." He tells the guy as he puts his cue down on the table. "Keep the money? What-" I say as me and Ana follow Sam.

"Hi." Sam says to Ruby. "You got a lot of nerve showing up anywhere near me." Ana growls at her and I wrap my arm around her waist as her eyes glow red. "Calm down baby." I whisper in her ear, holding her tight to me. "I just have some info, and then I'm gone." Ruby says. "What is it?" Sam asks her. "I'm hearing a few whispers." She says and I roll my eyes. "Ooh, great, demon whisperers - that's reliable." I say sarcastically and she ignores me.

"Girl named Anna Milton escaped from a locked ward yesterday. The demons seem pretty keen on finding her. Apparently, some real heavy hitters turned out for the Easter egg hunt." She explains. "Why? Who is she?" Sam asks curiously. "No idea." Ruby says. "But I'm thinking that she's important, 'cause the order is to catch her alive. I just figured that whatever the deal is, you might want to find this girl before the demons do." She says and Sam turns to me and Ana.

"Look, maybe we should check it out." Sam says to us. "Actually, we're working a case but thanks." I say to Ruby. "What case?" She asks. "Uh, we got leads, big leads." I say as Sam rolls his eyes. "Sounds dangerous." Ruby says sarcastically. "Yeah, well, it sure isn't goose chasing after some chick, who for all we know, doesn't been exist, just because you say she's important." I say.

"I'm just delivering the news. You can do whatever you want with it. Far as I'm concerned, I told you, I'm done." Ruby says as she turns to leave. "Wait, wait, wait." Sam says and Ruby turns back to him. "This hospital Anna escaped from - it got a name?" He asks her.


I drive as Ana looks through her laptop, and Sam is speaking on his phone. "Can I get a copy of the missing persons report? Great. Okay. Thanks." Sam says into the phone before he hangs up. 

"Well, Anna Milton's definitely real." Sam tells us. "Don't mean the case is real. And this hospital is a three day's drive." I say. "We've driven further for less, Dean." He tells me and I shake my head. "You got something to say, say it." He says annoyed. "Oh, I'll say it for him, it's sucks." Ana states and I nod.

"You two are not pissed we're going after that girl. You're passed that Ruby threw us that tip." Sam says. "Right. 'Cause as far as you're concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family." Ana says sarcastically. "Yeah, boy, something major must've happened while I was downstairs, 'cause I come back and-and you're BFF's with a demon?" I ask him. "I told you guys, she helped me go after Lilith." Sam says defensively.

"Oh, I get it. So instead of asking your "best friend" for help, you ask the demon who tried to kill me for help." Ana says angrily and Sam sighs. "Thanks for the thumbnail - real vivid. You want to fill in a little detail?" I ask him. "Sure, Dean, let's trade stories. You first. How was hell? Don't spare the details." Sam yells and I stay quiet.

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