Chapter 106. No Rest For The Wicked

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Deans POV

"Dig up anything good?" Ana asks me as I close the book and shake my head a bit, not looking at her. "No." I say before clearing my throat. "Nothing good."

"Well, Bobby has. Finally." She tells me as she sits down next to me. "Yeah?" I ask. "Yeah. A way to find Lilith." She says. "Oh. With just uh-" I stop and look at my watch. "...thirty hours to go." I say then I smile. "Hey, why don't we just go on vacation. You know, go to a casino, or the beach..." I say and Ana chuckles. "We'll do that, when we save you." She says to me. "Yeah..." I say as I look down at the books.

"Hey, Dean." She says softly and I look up at her. "Look, we're cutting it close, I know. But we're gonna get this done. I don't care what it takes Dean. You're not gonna go to hell. I'm not gonna let you. And neither is Sam." She says as I look away for a moment. "I swear. Everything's gonna be okay." She says as she moves her hand over mine, stroking her thumb across my knuckles. I look back at her, staring at her for a while before I say. "Yeah, okay." I mutter.


Bobby places an old tracking device over a map of America, the device has three wooden legs coming out from a glass, or crystal ball at the top. The ball has a flat, metal piece going around it with symbols on it, further down the legs there's another metal piece, only bigger. From the ball hangs a pendulum device that is sharp on the end so that it can pinpoint a specific place.

"So you need a name. That's the whole kit and caboodle. With the right name, right ritual, ain't nothing you can suss out." Bobby explains. "Like the town Lilith's in?" Sam asks. "Kid, when I get done, we'll know the street." Bobby tells him as he begins the ritual and starts to swing the pendulum and then chants in Latin.

As Ana, Sam and I watch, the pendulum begins to swing over the map before it suddenly stops. "New Harmony, Indiana." Bobby say and I look up at him from the map. "And we have a winner." Bobby says. "Alright." Sam says as he pushes the pendulum away and looks at Bobby. "Let's go." He says and I turn to him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Let's all shut up there, Tex." I say. "What the problem?" Sam asks me. "What's the problem? Come on, where do I begin? I mean, first of all, we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal. We're going off Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked, okay. Second, even if we can get to Lilith, we have no way to gank her. And third, isn't this the same Lilith who wants your giant head and Ana's head on a pike? Should I continue?" I ask them.

"Ain't you just brining down the room." Bobby says sarcastically. "Yeah, well, it's a gift." I tell him. "So then, what are we supposed to do Dean?" Ana asks me. "Just 'cause I gotta die doesn't mean you two have to, okay? Either we go in smart or we don't go in at all." I say.

"Okay, fine. If that's the case, I have the answer." Sam says. "You do?" Ana and I ask confused. "Yeah. A sure fire way to confirm it's Lilith and a way to get us a bona-fide demon killing ginsu." Sam says and Ana sighs. "Damn it, Sam, no." I say as I turn my back on him and pace a few steps.

"We're so past arguing. Dean, I am summoning Ruby." Sam tells me and I spin around to face him. "The hell you are! We have enough problems as it is." I yell. "Exactly. And we got no time and no choice either." Sam says as he walks up to me. "Come on man, she is the Miss Universe of lying skanks, okay. She told you that she could save me, huh - lie. She seems to know everything about Lilith but forgot to mention, oh right - Lilith owns my soul!" I yell.

"Okay. Fine. She's a liar. She's still got that knife." Sam says and Ana comes up to me. "Dean." She says softly but I ignore her. "For all we know, she works for Lilith." I say to Sam. "Then give me another option, Dean. I mean, tell me what else." Sam argues. "Sam's right." Bobby says.

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