Chapter 69. How Far Can I Push You?

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Deans POV

Me and Ana make it to the Roadhouse and Ana kicks the door open, both of us have our guns out.  "Sam!" I yell and Sam grabs a knife from the pillar, his calm expression shifting to one of desperate panic and places the knife at Jo's throat. "I begged you to stop me, Dean!" Sam yells, sounding more like himself. "Put the knife down." Ana tells him firmly.

"I told you I can't fight it! My head feels like it's on fire, alright? Dean. Ana. Kill me, or I'm gonna kill her. Please. You'd be doing me a favour! Shoot me." Sam says frantically as he turns to us, arms spread. "Shoot me!" He shouts.

Me and Ana look at each other before we look back at Sam. "No, Sam, come on." I say as I turn away, lowering the gun as Ana does the same. "What the hell's the matter with you two? Are you two that soft hearted that you'd rather let Jo die?" He asks and me and Ana turn suddenly, flinging holy water from a flask at him and he screams in pain as the water steams and hisses as it strikes him.

"That's holy water, you demonic son of a bitch!" I yell as Sam raises his hand; his eyes are the solid black of a demon. I fling more holy water at him making him growl. Then he turns and runs, bursting through a window and fleeing. I take the knife and cut Jo free as me and Ana run towards the window.

"He was possessed?!" Jo exclaims and me and Ana leap through the window. "Ana! Dean!" Jo shouts but we're gone.


Me, Ana and possessed-Sam stalk each other through a dim, crowded warehouse, each with a handgun. We can't see each other as we hide steadily behind piles and boxes. "So who are you?" I ask the demon. "I got lots of names." Sam replies.

"You've been in Sam since he disappeared, haven't you?" Ana asks and Sam lets out an evil chuckle. "You shoulda seen your faces when you guys thought he murdered that guy. Pathetic." He spat. "Why didn't you kill us? You had plenty of chances." I say. "Nah, that would have been too easy. Where's the fun in that? You see, this was a test. I was gonna posses Ana but I thought Sam would be better. Should've have known you wouldn't have the sack to waste your brother. Anyway. Fun's over now." Sam replies.

"Well, I hope you got your kicks. 'Cause you're gonna pay hell for this, I'm gonna make sure of that." I growl. "How? You can't hurt me. Not without hurting your darling brother." He says as I put my gun away and pull out the flask of holy water. "See, I think you're gonna die, Dean. You and every other hunter I can find. One look at Sam's dewey, sensitive eyes. They'll let me right in the door." Sam says as he heads outside and we follow him.

He leads us to an open air dock. Once we're out in the open, looking around, Sam steps out and shoots me in the shoulder. He knocks Ana over the dock and into the water before peering over and grinning before he walk away.


A few minutes later, I lean back against the building, holding my shoulder. "Ana!" I yell but get no response. I hear the door open and Jo steps out looking around when she spots me. "You okay? Where's Ana?" She asks. "He pushed her over the dock." I tell her and her eyes widen.

She helps me up and we run down to where Ana is laying unconscious at the bottom of a ramp. "Ana! Ana!" I exclaim and I kneel next to her. She wakes up with a groan, coughing. "Take it easy." Jo tells her softly and she shudders and groans in pain.

"Where's Sam?" She asks with a groan. "We don't know. He just...took off." I tell as we help her stand, and she leans on Jo, holding her head as we walk back to bar as I hold my shoulder.


I sit at a table, gripping the edge with my right hand as Ana digs the bullet out of my left shoulder. I groan loudly. "Don't be a baby!" Ana days to me. "God!" I groan as she continues to dig. "Almost. Alright, got it. Got it." She says as she drops the blood stained bullet in a glass of clear alcohol.

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