Chapter 107. Wanted Dead Or Alive

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Anas POV

The boys and I finish putting branches over the police car, to hide it from plain sight, so that nobody can find it. "So what, now you're seeing demons?" Sam asks Dean once we're finished. "I've seen all kinds of things lately but...nothing like this." Dean replies. "Actually, it's not all that crazy." Bobby says and we look over at him.

"How's it not that crazy?" Dean asks him. "Well you've got, just over five hours to go? You're piercing the veil, Dean. You're glimpsing the B side." Bobby tells him. "A little less new age-y please." Dena snarks. "You're almost hells bitch. So, you can see hells other bitches." Bobby adds as Dean looks at him surprised then his mock face comes on. "Thank you."

"Well, actually it could come in pretty handy." I say. "Oh, well, I'm glad my doomed soul is good for something." Dean says sarcastically. "Damn right it is. Lilith's probably got demons stashed all over town. We can't let them sound the alarm. She knows we're here, we're dead before we're started." Bobby says. "Well, this is a terrific plan. I'm excited to be a part of it. Can we go, please?" Dean says as he walks away and we follow.


We make it to the neighbourhood and go up to this house to see a little girl with these two adults sitting at a table, with one old man slumped dead on the table. The woman serves the little girl a slice of cake and walks away as the girl smiles and begins to dig in.

"It's the little girl. Her face is awful." Dean tells us as we stand by the window. Sam has binoculars, looking through them as Bobby stands next to him. "Alright then, let's go. We're wasting time." Sam says as he walks past us and moves for the door. Dean grabs ahold of him, stopping him from leaving.

"Wait!" Dean tells him. "For what? For it to kill the rest of them?" Sam asks. "Yeah, and us too if we're not careful. Look. See the real go-getter mailman on the clock at 9pm?" Dean says and Sam holds up his binoculars and sees the mailman sorting mail at the back of his car. "And Mr Rogers over there." Dean says as Sam lowers the binoculars.

"Demons?" I ask as Sam looks through the binoculars again. "Yeah, baby." Dean tells me. "Okay, fine. We-we-we-we, we ninja pass those guys, sneak in." Sam says. "Then what? Give a Colombian Necktie to a ten year old girl, come on!" Dean exclaims. "Look, Dean, I know it's awful." Sam says. "You think?" I say but Sam ignores me. "This isn't just about saving you, Dean. It's about saving everybody." Sam tells him.

"She's gotta be stopped, son." Bobby steps in and Dean, who looks contemplative, turns around and looks at Bobby. "Oh, damn it." He mutters.


As quietly as we could, we took out the demons that were around and about. Bobby was blessing the water and get ready for the sprinklers when Sam and I meet up and see Ruby has Dean up against a fence. "I'd like my knife back please. Or your neck snaps like a chicken bone." We hear her growl before we come up behind her and Sam holds the knife to her throat.

"He doesn't have it." Sam growls. "Take it easy." She says as she backs away from Dean, releasing him from the fence. Sam and I stand sill next to Dean as he turns to her. "How the hell did you get out?" He asks her. "What you don't know about me could fill a book." Ruby snarls then suddenly Dean reacts to her face, moving his head back as his eyes widen a bit.

"Whoa." He says. "What?" Ruby asks as Dean looks at me, not wanting to look at her anymore. He glances at her once or twice but that's it. "Nothing. I just- I couldn't see you before, but you're one ugly broad." Dean says and she rolls her eyes.

"Sam, give me the knife before you hurt yourself." She says to Sam. "You'll might get it back when this is over." I tell her. "It's already over. I have you a way to save Dean, you shot me down. Now it's too late. He's dead. And I'm not gonna let you guys die too." She says to me and Sam.

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