Chapter 121. This Is Halloween

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Deans POV

"So this is your plan, you're gonna smite the whole frigging town?" I ask Castiel after a moment of silence. "We're out of time. The witch has to die, the seal must be saved." Castiel replies. "There are a thousand people here." Sam says. "One thousand two hundred and fourteen." Uriel corrects.

"Okay, Mr Accurate, and you're willing to kill them all?" Ana asks him angrily, her eyes flashing red. "This isn't the first time I've...purified a city." Uriel says. "Look, I understand this is regrettable." Castiel says. "Regrettable?" I ask. "We have to hold the line. Too many seals have been broken already." Castiel tells us.

"So you screw the pooch on some seals and this town has to pay the price?" I ask. "It's the lives of one thousand against the lives of one billion. There's a bigger picture here." Castiel says and Ana rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure you guys are the bigger picture guys." She mumbles. "Lucifer cannot rise. He does and hell rises with him. Is that something you're willing to risk?" Castiel asks us. "We'll stop this witch before she summons anyone. You're seal won't be broken and no one has to die." Sam says.

"We're wasting time with these mud monkeys." Uriel growls and Castiel turns away from us, turning to Uriel. "I'm sorry, but we have our orders." Castiel says and Sam jumps at this. "No, you can't do this, you're angels, I mean aren't you supposed to - you're supposed to show mercy." Sam says.

"Says who?" Uriel asks venomously. "We have no choice." Castiel says. "Of course you have a choice. I mean, come on, what? You've never questioned a crap order, huh? What are you both, just a couple of hammers?" I ask. "Look, even if you can't understand it, have faith. The palm is just." Castiel says.

"Have faith? In what, a couple of murdering angels?" Ana asks as her eyes flash red. "Because it comes from heaven, that makes it just." Castiel replies. "Oh, it must be nice, to be so sure of yourselves." I sneer and Castiel turns to us. "Tell me something, Dean, when your father gave you an order, didn't you obey?" He asks me as I look at him. "Well sorry boys, looks like plans have changed."

"You think you can stop us?" Uriel asks as I walk over and get into his face. "No, but if you're gonna smite this whole town, then you're gonna have to smite us with it, because we're not leaving. See, you went through the trouble of busting me out of hell. I figure I'm worth something to the man upstairs. So you wanna waste me, go ahead, see how he digs that." I say. "I will drag you out of here myself." Uriel growls.

"You touch him or anyone of us and you'll be dead before you getthe chance." Ana threatens and Uriel looks at her. "And who's gonna do that, you?" He asks. "Gladly." She says as she glares at him. "You're gonna wipe out a whole town for one little witch. Sounds to me like you're compensating for something." I say.

"Cass, we can do this. We will kill that witch and we'll stop the summoning." Ana says to Castiel. "Castiel! I will not let these people-" Uriel starts to shout but Castiel holds up his hand up at him. "Enough!" He bellows then he stares at me and Ana for a second. "I suggest you move quickly." He says.

Seconds later, the three of us walk out of the room, walking to the impala and climb inside. "What?" I ask Sam as he gets into the backseat. "Nothing." Sam grumbles as we look over at him, seeing him holding the hex bag in his hands then he takes a breath.

"I thought they'd be different." He says disappointed. "Who, the angels?" I ask. "Yeah." Sam says. "Well, we tried to tell you." Ana says. "I thought they'd be more righteous." He says. "Well, they are righteous, I mean, that's kinda the problem. Of course there's nothing more dangerous than some a-hole who thinks he's on a holy mission." I say.

"But this is God? And Heaven? This is what I've been patting to?" Sam asks upset. "Look man, I know you're into the whole God thing, you know, Jesus on a tortilla and stuff like that. But just because there's a couple of bad apples doesn't mean the whole barrel's rotten. I mean, for all we know, God hates these jerks. Don't give up on this stuff, is all I'm saying. Babe Ruth was a dick but baseball's still a beautiful game." I say as Sam looks at me but I can tell he's still disappointed.

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