Chapter 55. H.H Holmes

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Deans POV

"Look. We've just gotta take a beat and think about this. Maybe we got Holmes M.O. wrong." Sam says to Ana that night after we tried to find Jo. "Yeah, well, we better frigging think fast." She growls as my phone rings and I answer it.

"Yeah." I answer. "Ellen." I say as Sam and Ana look up at me in shock. "She's gonna have to call you back, she's taking care of, uh, feminine business." I say before I go quiet. "It won't. I won't let it. Ellen, I'm sorry, I really am." I say before I hang up the phone.

"Damnit!" Ana shout as I look at her and Sam. "Don't beat yourself up, Ana. There's nothing you could have done baby." I say to her. "Tell me you've got something." She says to Sam. "Uh, maybe. Look. You look at the layout of Holmes murder castle, there's all torture chambers inside the walls, right?" He says and me and Ana go around him and look at the computer.

"Right." Ana and I say. "But there's one we haven't considered yet. The one in the basement." Sam says and Anas eyes widen. "This building doesn't have a basement." She realises. "You're right, it doesn't. But I just noticed this. Beneath the foundation, it looks like part of an old sewer system that isn't been used for-" Sam explains as Ana starts to leave. "Let's go." She says as she grabs her jacket and Sam and I follow.


The next morning, the three of us walk down the streets of Philadelphia. Sam has a metal detector while Ana and I have a shovel each. We follow the trail into an open field until Sam stops over one spot, the metal detector whining. "Here." He says and I drop my bag as Ana and I start digging.

After some shovel work, we dig with our hands to uncover a metal trap door, which we pull open. I hand Sam and Ana a shotgun and take one, and a flashlight then start descending. Sam and Ana follow me. Once in the sewers, we begin to make our way through, and crawl along our elbows and knees through the tunnel.

Eventually, we hear noises and come up to this opening and see a figure standing there. "Hey!" I shout and the figure turns around, revealing its self to be H.H Holmes. Ana and I fire our guns into Holmes chest, sending him flying backwards and out of sight.

"Jo?!" Ana shouts. "I'm here!" She shouts back and I find an iron bar leaning against a wall and start to pry it open. Sam and Ana investigate some other compartments which contain some gruesome body parts while another contains Teresa.

"We're gonna get you out of here, alright?" Sam tells her assuringly. "Guys!" I shout and hand Ana a bar that she gives to Sam. "Hang on." I say as I open the compartment and get Jo out as Sam and Ana get Teresa out.

"You alright?" I ask Jo. "Been better. Let's gets the hell out of here before he comes back." Jo says. "Actually, I don't think you're leaving here just yet." Ana tells her. "What?" Jo asks her. "Remember when I said you being bait was a bad idea? Now it's kind of the only one we've got." Ana tells her as she looks at me and Sam who shrugs and I nod.


Jo is sitting alone, silently, in the middle of the chamber. She has her arms wrapped around her knees and is trembling, but breathing deeply and steadily. Holmes appears behind her and walks forward.

"Now!" I shout as Holmes gets closer. Jo dives forward as Sam, Ana and I fire at the bags on the wall; several bags of unroll and spill salt in a perfect circle around Holmes, trapping him. Ana pulls Jo to safety as Holmes circles, gibberish and screaming in terror.

"Scream all you want you dick, but there's no way you're stepping over that salt!" Jo shouts as me and Sam shut the grate, sealing off the room.


Anas POV

Jo, Sam and I are waiting at the entrance to the sewers, looking down and waiting for Dean. "So? This job as glamorous as you thought it would be?" Sam asks her. "Well, except for all the pee-your-pants terror, yeah. Sure. But that Teresa girl's gonna live a life because of us. It's worth it isn't it?" She asks us.

"Yeah. Yeah it is." I say as Sam nods. "Hey, what if someone finds that sewer down there, or a storm washes away the salt?" She asks. "Both very fine points. That's why we're waiting here." Sam tells her.

"For what?" She asks as we hear the beeping of a large truck backing up. Sam and I smile and look over our shoulders to see a cement mixer backing into the field, stopping just over the entrance of the sewer. "For that." I say as Sam goes over and waves for Dean to stop the truck. "Whoa!" He shouts.

Dean gets out of the cab and he and Sam set the cement mix right over the entrance. "You ripped off a cement truck?" Jo asks Dean in disbelief. "I'll give it back." Dean tells her as we watch the cement pour down. "Well, that oughta keep him down there till hell freezes over." I say and Dean nods.


Deans POV

That night, Ana, Sam and Jo are stuffed in the backseat of the Impala while I drive and Ellen sits in the passengers seat beside me. And she hasn't spoken a word since she found us.

"Boy, you, you really weren't kidding about flying out, were you?" I say as I try to make conversation but she gives me no reaction. Sam, Ana and Jo exchange a look.

"How about we listen to some music?" I suggest as I flick on the radio on but Ellen reaches forward and flicks it off. I glance back asking for assistance but Ana shrugs at me and I sigh. "This is gonna be a long drive." I mutter.


We get to the roadhouse by the time the sun rises and Ellen storms in, dragging Jo by the elbow. The three of us follow them inside. "Ellen? This is my fault. Okay? I lied to you and I'm sorry. But Jo did good out there, and I think her dad would be proud." I say and Ellen turns to me sharply. "Don't you dare say that. Not you. I need a moment with my daughter. Alone." She says and we head outside.

We lean on the Impala, the three of us sitting in silence. Minutes later, Jo comes storming out and glares at me and Ana. We look at each other confused before we follow her as she keeps walking away.

"That bad, huh?" I ask her. "Not right now." She grumbles. "What happened?" Ana asks her as we walk up to her. Ana grabs her shoulder. "Hey, talk to us." She says and Jo turns to us sharply, shoving Ana's hand off her.

"Get off me!" She yells loudly and Ana holds her hand up as I come next to her. "Hey, hey!" I say and she glares at us. "Sorry, see you around." I say as I grab Ana's elbow and we turn to leave.

"Ana. Dean. It turns out my dad had partners on his last hunt. Funny, he usually worked alone; these guys worked together all the time, but...I guess my father figured he could trust them. Mistake. The guys screwed up, got my dad killed." Jo says.

"Why does this have to do-" I start to ask her but Jo shouts over me. "It was your fathers!" She shouts and we look at her shocked. "What?" We say.

"Why do you think John and Rick never came back? Never told you guys about us? Because they couldn't look my mom in the eye, because after that, that's why." Jo screams.

"Jo." I say and Ana shakes her head. "Jo, we're not like our dads." She tells her and Jo scoffs. "Just...just get out of here. Please, just leave." She says walking off as Ana storms up to the bar, throwing the door open as Sam and I follow inside.

"You told Jo that our fathers got her father killed?" Ana asks Ellen angrily as Ash walks out and looks between us. "Because it's the truth." Ellen glares. "No it's not. It's the truth you want to believe because your husband messed up and you can't handle that." Ana replies as Sam and I exchange a worried look.

"You don't know me." Ellen says firmly. "And you don't know us Ellen!" Ana snaps. "We tried to stop Jo, okay? We tried so hard to get her to leave but she's so stubborn. And she's the one who walked off on her own. Don't blame us for her wanting to be like her father."

"You could've got my daughter killed." Ellen says and Ana chuckles. "No, because we didn't tell her to do anything. She did all herself but as usual Ellen, you want to put the blame on someone all them years ago." Ana says before she walks out of the bar and me and Sam follow behind sighing.

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