Chapter 146. I Don't Think I Could Trust You

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Deans POV

Bobby grabs me by the throat and drags me to my feet just as a female enters the room, a male following behind behind her. "I always knew you were a big, dumb, slow, dim pain in the ass, Dean. But I never dreamed you were so V.I.P." The female says before she sees Ruby's knife on the table and picks it up. "I mean, you're gonna ice the devil? You? If I'd have known that, I'd have ripped your pretty, pretty face of ages ago." She says as she turns to me.

"Ruby." I say and she shakes her head. "Try again. Go back further." She tells me, a small smile on her face and I look at her in realisation. "Meg?" I ask and her smile grows. "Hi. These are the days of miracle and wonder, Dean. Our father's among us. You know, we're all dreaming again for the first time since we were human? It's heaven on earth. Or hell. We really owe your brother a fruit basket." She says and I roll my eyes. "My God, you like the sound of your own voice." I snark.

"But you, on the other hand, you're the only bump in the road. So every demon- every single one- is just dying for a piece of you." She says and I smirk. "Get in line." I say. "Oh, I'm in the front of the line, baby. Let's ride." She says before she kisses me.

"Damn. You're lucky my girl ain't her or she'd tear you a new one." I tell her after she pulls back. "You know, your surrogate daddy's still awake screaming in there. And I want him to know how it feels slicing the life out of you." Meg says and she hands the knife to Bobby, who raises it to my throat as I struggle.

"Bobby!" I shout and Bobby looks back at Meg. "Now!" She shouts and Bobby raises the knife to stab me. "Bobby! No!" I yell as the black fades from Bobbys eyes. The knife comes down and Bobby flashes gold as the demon in him dies. I look down and see Bobby had stabbed himself before he collapsed as I rush Meg and the male demon.

The male demon slams me against the wall before slamming me into the floor as I hear the door open. "No!" Sam and Ana shout when Meg turns to them. "Heya Sammy and Ana. You two miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you both." She says. "Meg?" Sam says and she grins. Sam swings and misses giving Meg the opportunity to kick him down to the ground.

"It's not so easy without those super-special demon powers, huh, Sammy?" Meg says as she goes to punch Sam but her and the male demon on me get thrown off. "He may not have them but I still do." Ana growls as she holds her hand out, giving me the opportunity to grab Ruby's knife and stab the male demon.

Meg tries to get up but Ana is too strong for her. "Besides, you and me have some unfinished business, bitch." Ana growls but then Meg screams and smokes out of the woman, who collapses. Ana lowers her hand and lets out a heavy sigh as me and her share a look.


The three of us burst into the nearest hospital emergency room, me and Sam carrying Bobby. "Need some help here!" I shout as we run in. "What happened?" A nurse asks as she jumps up from her chair. "He was stabbed." Sam tells her then the nurse turns to a couple of nurses near by.

"Can we get a gurney?" She asks and the two rush a gurney over to us. "Hang on, Bobby. Hang in there. You're gonna be okay." I tell him as me and Sam lay him down and the nurses rush him off, the three of us following until the nurse stops us.

"Just wait here." She tells us. "We can't just leave him." Ana says to her. "Just don't move. I've got questions." She says before she leaves. "Guys, we got to go." I tell them and Ana shakes her head. "No, I'm not leaving Bobby." She says. "No way, Dean." Sam agrees. "The demons heard where the sword is. We got to get to it before they do, if we're not too late already. Come on!" I say and they follow behind me, climbing into the Impala.


I open the trunk of the car once we make it to the storage building. We load up guns and I shut the trunk before I unlock the storage room, Sam and Ana standing watch. Minutes later, we enter the room, our shotguns ready. We look down at the floor and see dead demons sprawled across the floor.

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