Chapter 145. Sympathy For The Devil

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Deans POV

"Come on!" I shout as I grab Ana and Sam, pulling them away from the sigil. We run but the doors slam shut. We go and rattle the doors but they won't budge and the light seeps through the door. A high-pitched noise rings out in the room as Sam looks at me and Ana. We all look back at the light as Ana shuts her eyes, covering her ears just as me and Sam do the same.

Suddenly, everything stops and it feels like I'm sitting on something. I open my eyes and realise that I'm sitting in a plane seat. I look to my left and see Ana and Sam sitting next to me. "What the hell?" I ask them astonished and shocked. "I have no clue what just happened." Ana says as Sam shrugs, shaking his head.

"Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City, on our initial destination to Baltimore-" the pilot in the intercom says and Ana turns to me. "Ilchester? Weren't we just there?" She asks and I nod.

"So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be would be a good time to- holy crap!" The pilot exclaims as the plane shakes and goes of kilter, people get thrown around and screaming. Oxygen masks get dropped down as Ana's seatbelt comes undone and she falls forward, her head slamming on the floor. "Ana!" Me and Sam yell.

I quickly undo my seatbelt and grab her up from the ground, placing her back in her seat, strapping her in. I quickly look her over, seeing a cut above her eyebrow that's knocked her unconscious. I grab her oxygen mask and place over her before I sit back in my seat, doing my seatbelt up and placing my own mask on as Sam does the same. A white light outside the window grows blinding as the high pitched noise comes back.


"And Governor O'Malley urged calm, saying it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for terrorists, either foreign or homegrown." The radio announcer says through the radio of the rented car we got. "Change the station." I tell Sam, lowly glancing back at Ana, who's asleep in the back seat.

"-Hurricane Kinley, unexpected slamming into the Galveston area-"

"-announced a successful test of the North Korean nuclear-"

"-a series of tremors-"

"-swine flu-"

Sam shuts the radio off and we fall into silence. "Dean, look-" Sam starts to say but I shake my head. "Don't say anything." I say and there's a pause of silence. "It's okay. We just got to keep our heads down and hash this out, alright?" I say. "Yeah, okay." Sam mutters.

"Alright, well, first things first. How did we end up in the Soul Plane?" I ask. "Angels, maybe? I mean, you know, beaming us out of harms way?" Sam suggests. "Well, whatever. It's the least of our worries. We need to find Cas and Jonas and make sure Ana doesn't have a concussion." I say glancing back at Ana again. "Who's Jonas?" Sam asks. "He's another Angel. Didn't really get to know him much but...after we find them, I've got some questions for him." I say as we continue to drive.


The three of us walk into Chucks house. Suddenly, there's a noise and we turn but see nothing. We keep looking around until Chuck jumps out and hits Sam on the head with a toilet plunger. Sam stumbles back, hand to his head. "Geez! Ow!" He exclaims.

"Sam?" Chuck says confused. "Yeah!" Sam yells. "Hey, Chuck." I say as I help Ana sit down on a chair. "You okay, baby?" I ask her and she nods. Chuck stares at us, looking at us in confusion. "'re okay?" He asks Sam. "Well, my head hurts." Sam groans. "No. I mean- I mean, my- my last vision. You went, like, full on Vader. Your body temperature was one fifty. Your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes were black." Chuck says.

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