69. Unknotted Destiny

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A/N: sorry for not posting enough :/
Also I might give up on making bnha fanfics. Don't get me wrong, I still like bnha and I'll finish this fanfic and publish another fanfic I've been working on. However, I feel like it's time for me to move on.
I'm thinking on moving to Jujutsu Kaisen. (Gojo, ykwim? :)
So, yeah. This year, I'll be 18. I will not be making bnha fanfics anymore unless it's about Aizawa or All Might.
Thank you for sticking with me.
      - PL <3

The future was hazy. Whatever was coming, you weren't prepared for it. You were everything at once but still a sixteen-year-old girl. But someone was going to hurt you, and it would trigger you into becoming the destined supervillain.

You weren't sure who it was, but it was someone you knew. You were scared for it. But whatever, it'll be fine. Hopefully.

"My dear."

You were startled awake. "All for One?"

"I thought I told you to call me dad?"

"Ah. Dad. Are you in my dreams right now?"

"Yes. So you've figured it out. You're a god. Well, a self proclaimed god but nonetheless, a god. A wonderful creation, aren't you?" Your father sat in front of you, strapped to his usual chair. You were sitting in front of him, on the floor.

"How did you know I was a god?"

"I saw it. I have multiple quirks, after all. I looked into your past and your future and was intrigued to see you had a past beyond your past. A future beyond your future. Destiny is always changing, fickle and knotted. But if you continue this route, continue untangling the knots, destiny will remember. And eventually, you will not be able to escape your destiny."

"Not be able to escape destiny? I am destiny."

He laughed. "I love your boldness. Of course you are. You, yourself, continue putting yourself into this position. During this timeline, you are my daughter. In other timelines and dimensions, you are not. Often times, I am your enemy. An heiress. An axolotl girl. A healer girl. A normal girl. A thief. Billions upon billions of years, you have been reborn. Happy, sad endings."

"So there's still hope for me?"

"Of course. You need to decide for yourself. Will you allow yourself to have your happy ending?"

"Dad, you would never talk like this."

"Maybe not. But you're my daughter in this timeline. And I'm not fully a monster. You're my flesh and blood, god or not. Had you been weak, I still would've loved you."

"Love? You?"

"You're right. I can't feel love. I can only feel the need to bring this world to chaos. But I am at your mercy. You could very well kill me."

"I won't kill you. I don't want to kill."

He raised his hand to pet your head. He was out of the straps.

"You should kill me. This part of me can never be shown except in dreams. It is called dreams for a reason. It is only a dream, not reality. Still, this part of me is very small and only reserved for you. I'm proud of you, (Y/n)."

You started crying. He sighed. "Why are you crying again?"

"Dad, I really missed you."

"I know you don't. I'm a monster. I'm too far gone. If this continues, I will kill you out of jealousy. There's no saving me if I think of hurting the only person who truly loves me."

He caressed your cheek. His face contorted and he was his younger self, white hair and gentle grey eyes.

"Oh, dad. I don't think I can kill you. You're my dad. You're the last person I have besides Izuku. You're my dad. My only parent."

"I understand, I do. But this hero society won't allow us to be a family."

You laughed. "Manipulating me again, huh?"

"I don't think this is manipulation anymore, (Y/n)." He stroked your hair. "I've killed millions, stole their quirks and made their lives living hell. Kill me now before this part of me no longer exists."

"I can't."

"We're running out of time."

Him. He was the one who hurts you. Him, isn't it?

"Just a little while longer. It's a dream, isn't it? I can go back to reality whenever I want to. We can pretend to be a family, just for a little bit."

"As you wish, (Y/n)."

Destiny was a contradiction. It was fickle and changed its mind. Destiny was a human and can never decide what is what. Destiny never makes up its mind.

You could never make up your mind.

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