79. Hellish

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A/N: I must admit this chapter is boring. If you'd like to skip, go right ahead. Not very relevant to the plot. Inko is just found and teleported to the haven in Shiketsu.

Your jewelry clinked together as you entered the apartment. It looked abandoned, dust piling up everywhere. It was the seventh month and you had killed a bunch of unforgivable people. Many pleaded that you didn't kill them but once you show them what they had done, they had second doubts.

And like an anti-villain, you reassured them that they'd live a happier life in a different dimension, one where they aren't a piece of shit. And they allowed you. This caused them to form factions and groups. One group worships you while the other hates every part of you.

You wiped away the dust, revealing dark wood underneath your touch. You took in the familiar scene, a pang of nostalgia coming to you. It had been a while since you've been back home. You entered Izuku's room first, finding it almost empty except for a couple of merch and clothes.

You sat on his bed, folding his clothes and set them in his drawer. You gingerly messed with the corner of his poster before grabbing an All Might figurine. You set it down, organizing his desk. You made his bed and wiped it down. You checked your room.

It was barren, only a book left. You picked it up only to see it was yours. She must've been in here. You opened the book. This was the book she rarely read to you when you were younger. She probably has read it to you about five times your whole life.

It was a book about two frogs setting up their home and singing a song while they do it. In the end, a human crushed their house. And then they tell you to start the book again. You pleaded that she start again but she told you that you should start reading on your own.

Izuku was never told that.

You used to look at the pictures, much too young to start reading. The frogs are happy until the end, deciding to restart over and over again. They're happy in the beginning but in the end, they're sad.

They're almost like you. Every time things don't go right, you reset your life. You change dimensions. You create worlds to please you. You create false happy endings.

But now wasn't the time to be crying. You tucked the book under your arm and went to Inko's room. It was trashed. As if she were depressed. How hypocritical.

She had left the most behind. Books upon books. Children's books, psychology books, finance books...

But one book caught your eye. You picked it up. It was a photo album. You sat on her bed to look at them.

The first page was you and Izuku laying next to each other as a baby. It was hard to tell the difference. The older you got, the more pictures there were focused on Izuku. At the end of the album, there was a picture of you. You were a baby and Inko was holding you. She was kissing your neck while you laughed.

You took out the picture and turned it around.

"My beloved baby, I hope when you read this, when you're successful."

Hah. It had Izuku's name on the back. It wasn't you. You returned it, blinking away tears. You truly were never loved.

You stood, rearranging her books with your quirk. After they were settled, you looked through her drawers to find a journal. You hesitated but decided to read through it.

Entry #1

That man returned. He returned with my baby. Relieved, I reached for her but he glared at me. He said that I could never love her the way he did.

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