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Deep in Mount Kumotori, a man preforms a traditional ritual in the snowy cold night being watched by his son Tanjiro Kamado, and a woman with a noticeably light complexion, kind, dark purple eyes that appear a lighter color around the rims of their irises, and a small beauty mark located on the left of her face below her lower lip. She had black hair, worn tied back in a messy bun with a few loose strands left to dangle over her face. She wore a purple and cream checkered kimono with a white and long-sleeved kappogi over the top, she also sported a white tenugui cloth that she wears around her head, covering most of her hair. This was his wife Kie. 

Tanjiro watches in awe at his father's dance

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Tanjiro watches in awe at his father's dance.

Kie: Do you see, Tanjiro? You are witnessing your father's Kagura dance. He's dancing with the flames. So, to avoid catastrophe and injury, we offer to dance to "the god of fire" at the beginning of every year and pray to him. Someday, you'll have to carry on the tradition.

The following morning, Tanjiro was spending time with Tanjuro and wonders about the dance he watched before.

Tanjiro: Father, how is it that you can dance in the snow like that with such a frail body? If I did it my lungs would be frozen.

Tanjuro: There is a certain way you should breathe. A way where you won't get tired no matter how much you move.

He then pats Tanjiro's head and reaches for a locked box and a key.

Tanjuro: If you can perform the correct way to breathe, then you can dance forever Tanjiro. You can even endure the freezing cold.

He unlocks the box and pulls out a book.

Tanjiro: What is that?

Tanjuro: It's a journal from so long ago. Before you were even born, it was given to us by a man with hair that looked like flames.

They open the book, and Tanjiro is amazed at the techniques.

Tanjuro: Tanjiro when my time comes, you and Muichiro will start to train yourselves to master the way of the sword and the breathing style. All you need is the dance and these earrings. Take these teaching from me and do not falter. It's a promise.

Tanjiro nods his head with some tears in his eyes.

Tanjiro: I promise father.

Tanjuro: I couldn't be prouder of you son.

He hugs his son for a few moments.

Tanjuro: Now go help your mother finish the chores.

Tanjiro runs to his mother, siblings, and friends to help, with Tanjuro looking at the sky.

Tanjuro: If you can protect your family, you can face any challenge ahead of you.

As time passes by, Tanjuro passes away, leaving Tanjiro as the man of the house along with their roommates Muichiro and Yuichiro Tokito. He and Muichiro starts to learn about being a swordsman, and the Hinokami Kagura techniques. He soon keeps a daily routine. Morning training with Muichrio, play time with siblings, selling wood with Muichiro, and night training. He continues the routine unaware of the possible danger that is coming.


There's my Prologue.

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