The Counterattack

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Tanjiro: (When you are hearing an explanation hundreds of times and shown the correct form' one, you understand it completely.)

He thought as he finished cycling through the memories of Sumiyoshi.

Tanjiro: (It might've been a dream or my life flashing before my eyes, but even so, I saw that the wrist angle, footwork, and breathing rhythm were indeed similar to Yoriichi. I was trying to imitate him. And must've what reminded Muzan and Akira of Yoriichi. He was a quiet and kindhearted person. One day, Suyako pleaded him to perform all the Sun Breathing techniques. And he'd give in showing her the beautiful swordplay. It indeed shows his kindness. Sumiyoshi paid great attention to the detail and burned them into his memory, every single breath. Sun Breathing forms were breathtaking that nothing else mattered. It was too beautiful to look away from. I now realized why it was passed down as the Kagura Dance that my family performed at the end of every year. As Yoriichi swings his sword, he had the appearance of a spirit instead of a human. Suyako and Sumire were overjoyed from their performance, but Yoriichi hung his head from embarrassment. He was told that he could visit them again, but before he left, Yoriichi gave his Hanafuda Earrings to Sumiyoshi. That was then I learned that would be the last time they would see each other again. But as he walked away, he seemed sad. And all Sumiyoshi could do was cry for him.)

Sumiyoshi: Yoriichi! I'll ensure that your Sun Breathing lives throughout the Kamado Family!! Our lives will be your legacy!! You a man worth so many protected lives!! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!! You achieved so many things in life!! Never take it for granted!! Rest assured, I will pass on the Sun Breathing and your earrings to my descendants. I promise you; the Kamado Family will keep your memory and legacy alive!!

Yoriichi stopped in his tracks as Sumiyoshi's words reached him and his heart. And as he turned around, he showed his friend something he never showed to anyone except Uta. A smile.

Yoriichi: Thank you.

That was the last thing he said before leaving them behind.

Tanjiro: (Why are you stealing my line, Yoriichi? I should be thanking you for saving my ancestors. If you hadn't been there to save them, none of this would be happening. And thanks to Tamayo, the demon victimized by Muzan that you allowed to escape, has been cornered. And now Sun Breathing has given the Demon Slayer Corps the advantage we needed for centuries. All Twelve Forms have been passed from the Sengoku era all the to now the Taisho era to an accurate degree.)

Dance, Clear Blue Sky, Raging Sun, Fake Rainbow, Flame Wheel, Burning Bones Summer Sun, Sunflower Thrust, Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance, Solar Heat Haze, Setting Sun Transformation, Beneficent Radiance, Flame Dance.

Tanjiro: (Those were the Twelve Form you showed them. And after learning about the 13th Form thanks to the Rengoku family, I started wondering about it even more. Regarding the 1st and 12th Forms of Sun Breathing. "Dance" and "Flame Dance" almost have the similar name. But father did say, "if you can perform the Kagura Dance to perfection, then you'll be able to dance forever." And father was able to complete the dance until sunrise every year until his last. And thanks to him and everyone I met; I now have confidence after seeing the conception and shape of Muzan's accursed body. If you cycle through the Twelve Forms repeatedly, you will have indeed perfected the 13th Form. I was able to do it before when we clashed with Ketsu, but that was out if pure instincts. This time, I will dodge Muzan's attacks and constantly cut through his seven hearts and five brains until dawn. The Twelve Forms are connected starting with Dance and ending with Flame Dance. It will be difficult. I'll be experiencing hell on earth. I'm only borrowing the talent off of father and Yoriichi. That's why, I don't think I can keep him at bay before he turns me into a demon completely. And I can't keep him from escaping. That's why someone loses hope so fast. How can I defeat him when Yoriichi couldn't? Even so, with this infection spreading, I won't let it slow me down. Never give up. Shine. Shine as bright as the Sun!)

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