Prelude: Electric Flower

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After Zenitsu witnessed his family being murdered and being serrated from his sister when they flowed down the river, he lived the slums of a distance town. He would grab food whenever he'd get the chance and even drink water from the dirt. Four years have passed since the Agatsuma clan massacre and the separation. Zenitsu has kept surviving in the improvish world. As he walked, he was hearing heartbeats, and conversation. He knew he would never get any peace and quiet.

But then one day, two paths intertwined. Zenitsu heard a loud smack and yelling, so he went to investigate. He saw a girl at his exact age getting abused.

??: I thought I told you, and you'll be getting no food tonight!! Now go! I don't wanna see you for the rest of the day.

Zenitsu was expecting her to cry, but she showed no tears. In fact she didn't show anything no expression, pain, or even emotion. All she felt was hunger and hopelessness.

Zenitsu: (That's messed up. Who and why would someone treat their child this way? And why didn't she show any emotion and reaction?)

??: Excuse me?

Zenitsu turned to see the girl right next to him.

Zenitsu: Gaah!

??: Are you alright?

Zenitsu: Why are you asking?

??: You have a sad look in your eyes. Why?

Zenitsu: I overheard and saw what happened back there. I was a little upset that I couldn't do anything.

And that's when he had an idea.

Zenitsu: Do you want to be with me for the day?

??: Sure.

Zenitsu: My name is Zenitsu Agatsuma. What's yours?

The girl didn't have an answer.

Zenitsu: It's alright. You don't have to say it now.

For two years, Zenitsu and the girl slowly became close to each other. The girl began to feel emotions once again, but only around Zenitsu. But then one day, it all came trembling down.

??: How dare you?!

Her father smacked her hard.

??: What gives you the right to be happy while your mother and I go through hell, as you run around with that little brat?!

Her eyes widen in horror.

??: Yeah! I know all about your little friend! Yesterday, I saw the two of you being happy and shit! Perhaps I should find him and teach him a lesson.

The girl fearing for Zenitsu grabbed s knife and stabbed her father in the leg. Seething through the burning pain, he struck the girl so hard, he knocked her out.

??: You know what, I've had enough of you. The rest of your siblings are already dead, so who'll miss you when you're sold.

The next day, she was sold as a slave and ha d a rope around her waist. As she and her buyer cross a bridge, thy come across three strange women.

One was a young Shinobu and Shinoe.

And the final was a girl of a slender build who was rather tall for her age and had notably red lips in contrast to her pale complexion. She had long, straight, black hair that reached just below her hips, worn down with two shorter clumps over her shoulders, and arched, ear-length bangs on either side of her face. Her eyes were a pale violet and slanted towards the sides of her face, bright and bug-like, with many notable white sparkles reflecting light off of them. She wore a dark purple-tinted version of the standard Demon Slayer  uniform and tattsuke hakama pants as well as a piece of black fabric around her calves and zori with pale purple straps. She also sported a pair of green and pink butterfly hairpins that she wore adorned on either side of her head. She also wore the white butterfly-patterned haori that fades to pale turquoise then pink toward the cuff and hem.

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