Power of the Butterfly

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Through heavy amounts of pain, Tanjiro and Nezuko were able to decapitate Vasslex the Lower Rank Five. Using the last amount f strength. Muichiro on the other hand decapitated the pet with the help of the spider breathing user. Vasslex's body soaked Tanjiro in the face inuring his jaw.

Tanjiro: (I actually beat a Twelve Kizuki.)

He then turns to see Nezuko on the ground unconscious.

Tanjiro: (Nezuko! I have... to help... Nezuko!)

He then crawled to his sister, with Muichiro doing the same, but due to the injuries he had when fighting that spider pet he fell unconscious. Vasslex was angry that he was defeated. He was gonna die.

Vasslex: (How did this happen? Did he cut through so many threads?! I can't even attach my own head back on! Damn it! Damn it! I'll kill them! I'll end them!)

His eyes widen when he sees Taniro checking on Nezuko's condition and the spider boy helping Muichiro. He then sees the spider mother.

??: Vasslex tell me what is that you desire?

Vasslex: I... I... I... I guess I wanted what they had. The true bonds of a family.

Elsewhere the daughter was running down the mountain in fear.

??: (I failed! I failed! I failed! That's all I do is mess up my role!)


Before she joined the spider family she was a normal demon running from the demon slayers, she was concerned by a large house and she was surrounded. Before any of them could strike, they look up to see Vasslex on the roof.

Vasslex: Little demon, do you want me to save you? The price you pay is that you obey my every command.

??: Yes! I'll do whatever you ask! Just help me!

Vasslex: Excellent.

He then proceeds to slash the slayers into pieces.

Vasskex: Welcome to my family.

She looks behind her to see a various of spider demons. Inside the house, Vasslex begins to initiate the new family members into his family.

Vasslex: Through my blood you will properly become like us.

He then drops a droplet of blood into a small bowl filled with liquid.

Vasslex: As a member of my family, I will now share with you my strength as I am the one of "that person's" favorite.

As she swallowed the liquid, the daughter begins to experience pain.

Vasslex: And now, for the finishing touches.

He rips off her face making her scream. Her appearance becomes similar to all the other demon spiders.

Vasslex: Congratulations. You're like us.

As they live life as a family, the daughters learns that they are not blood related. They begin to see Vasslex punishing the Mother for disobeying him. She apologizes and will continue to play her role. Feeling tortured for too long, the Eldest daughter plans to run away from the mountain the night Vasslex is summoned by Muzan. She asks her sister to join her to which, she agrees.

As they run down the mountain, Vasslex stands in their path. Wishing to survive, Daughter turns on her sister to avoid consequences.

Vasslex: So, you put her up to this pathetic attempt.

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