Guidance of Kitsune

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After completing Urokodaki's trial, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Muichiro, and Yuichiro proven to be trained under his privilege. Tanjiro and Muichiro will go under the basic training, Nezuko and Yuichiro are given double the training to catch up to their brothers. Then one night, Urokodaki explains the requirements to become a demon slayer.

Tanjiro: Final selection?

Sakonji: Yes. It's a trial that shows your skill as a swordsman against the demons that takes place on Fujikasaneyama. If you four can survive the selection, you'll be qualified as slayers. But I will decide if you are allowed to enter.

Nezuko: So what do we need to do?

Sakonji: In order to kill the demons, you must master total concentration. Tanjiro and Muichiro, you'll continue to learn this Sun and Moon breathing technique. And Nezuko and Yuichiro, you must master Water Breathing, however if one of you can't do Water Breathing, then I will call another Hashira to help you master another breathing technique.

Tanjiro/Nezuko/Muichiro/Yuichiro: We understand!

(The next day)

Tanjiro, Nezuko, Muichiro, Yuichiro continue to train throughout the mountain improving their skills, while going through the trap filled mountain. The stronger they got. the more difficult and deadly the traps become. They also begin to spar against Urokodaki using wooden swords but was unable to land a hit on the strong man. After a whole year of intense training, Urokodaki guided Tanjiro, Nezuko, Yuichiro, and Muichiro through the forest.

Sakonji: There's nothing left for me to teach you four. From this point forward, you're going to have to prove yourself. See if you can improve yourself through everything you were taught.

They make it through a clearing to see four massive rocks.

Sakonji: If you are able to cut these rocks in half, you have my permission to enter Final Selection.

The four stood there dumbfound hearing what Urokodaki said.

Sakonji: This will be your final test.

He then disappears leaving the children with the four rocks.

Over the next six months, Tanjiro, Muichiro, and Nezuko have improved their reflexes and sword attacks with Yuichiro trying his best to catch up. They have even attempted to cut their own rocks but have made no progress.

??: Having trouble

The four turns to where the mysterious voice was coming from and saw three people. One was a fair-skinned young man with a large scar running from the right corner of his mouth to his right ear, and kind, cat-like eyes of a grayish lavender color, a horizontal bar of much paler purple visible across them near the bottom. He had thick, spiked, peach-colored hair of varying lengths, the longest reaching his shoulders, that he wore messily down with side micro bangs over the left of his forehead. He wore a green kimono, patterned with a geometric hexagon design of yellow and a darker green, tied off at the waist with a piece of black fabric, below which he sported a pair of tattsuke-hakama pants and over which a plain white haori. Around his calves, he wore a pair of kyahan, that bore the same design as his kimono, which his pants were tucked into, as well as black tabi socks and a pair of zori on his feet. He wore a warding mask that takes the shape of a fox's face, which was decorated by a large scar in the same place as the one on his face. The mask's eyes and nose were of a dark green while the ears were more of a gray-red, and it was secured around his face by a thick piece of red rope around his head, the ends of which hung down from behind each of his ears.

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