Journey to the Swordsmith Village

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A quiet day. There was nothing more that could be more blissful. No noise, no war, and especially no demons. Yoriichi who still wears the Hanafuda earrings sits on a Porch watching the scenery, as a child rest in his arms. Sumiyoshi walks over towards him from behind carry tea.

Sumiyoshi: I brought you some tea.

Yoriichi: Right. Thank you.

Sumiyoshi: Aw. He's sound asleep. Thanks for watching him. My wife's fast asleep in the other room. I really must apologize. I feel bad making our guest babysit.

Yoriichi: No it's fine. She must be exhausted. Giving birth and raising a child is no easy task. I will be leaving after this. I don't want to overstay my welcome. That's all.

Sumiyoshi: Please sir! You saved our lives that day! If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be here, nor have this child have been born.

Yoriichi didn't respond but drank the tea.

Sumiyoshi: Very well. Then the least I can do is to pass down your name for posterity.

Yoriichi: There's no need.

Sumiyoshi: But sir didn't you say you were at a loss because you have no heirs? Look I know I'm just a charcoal merchant. But it's better than nothing.

Yoriichi: Thank you Sumiyoshi... but there's no need. Those who have mastered their skills share the same fate... they always have. They wind up in the same place. No matter what era they find themselves in and if lost they'll find their way back. Sumiyoshi you seem to think of me as some kind extraordinary person, but I'm really not. I failed to protect everything that was important to me, and throughout my life, I was unable to accomplish any of my goals. My name is as worthless as I am.

Sumiyoshi: Please sir. Don't say something like that. Please, I'm begging you! Don't talk about yourself that way! It's so sad. So sad. 

His voice begins to change to Tanjiro's. It was shown that Tanjiro who was crying as he woke, was having a dream through a memory as he was in his bed in his personal quarters in the Sun Mansion. He was covered in bandages from his head to his chest and his right hand.

Tanjiro: Was that a dream? What's happening?

Just at that moment, the sound of a vase shattering was heard as Kanao saw that Tanjiro was awake. She rushes to his side.

Kanao: Are you alright? After Yoshiwara, you been in a come for two months.

Tanjiro: That long?

In relief, Kanao hugged him.

Kanao: I'm glad that you're awake.

Meanwhile, a Kakushi member was carrying a tray of food.

??: (My name is Goto. I'm a Kakushi, the clean-up brigade of the Demon Slayer Corps. I have a fateful connection with the Sun Hashira. I was present during the Hashira meeting many months ago. I'm also the one who found Tanjiro Kamado and the others in the destroyed Entertainment District. They were all huddled together like they were hugging. But they were just unconscious. They're younger than I am, but they're the true swordsmen who risked their lives fighting. That gives me total respect for them. And right now, I'm carrying a tray of delicious castella. It's taking all of my willpower from eating this food. I still don't know why they keep delivering food to him, while he's unconscious. I heard that his nose is indeed strong, so I wonder if he'll wake up if I set it near him.)

But as he enters Tanjiro's room, he finds the broken vase and Kanao by Tanjiro's bed.

Goto: Are you really ignoring this mess Kanao? (And she was finally able to do things on her won will. She's a strange girl. She only talks to the older Agatsuma which I heard is her lover and his younger sister and two of his colleagues. I honestly hate how they draft them into the corpse as kids. But she outranks me, so my word is pointless. Even though I'm 23.)

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