Stranger in The Darkness

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Years have passed since Tanjiro and Muichiro began their training. Now at the age of thirteen, he continues to provide for his mother and five siblings Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, and Rokuta by selling charcoal to the village below the mountains. He also gets help from Muichiro and Yuichiro who were their roommates and closest friends. Tanjiro plans to head down the mountain with Muichiro, but Kie stops him.

Kie: Your face is covered with dirt. It gets dangerous when the snow is falling, so it's really up to you if you don't want to go.

She says wiping Tanjiro's face.

Tanjiro: I know that mother, but it's almost new year and everyone wishes to eat with happiness. So, I'll just sell some more charcoal.

Kie smiles.

Kie: You are very kindhearted.

Just then 2 children come out one was a young boy with light complexion and dark red eyes with white pupils. His black hair is worn as a buzz cut. He wears a light green and black patterned kimono with a light green haori over it and a white nagajuban under everything.

 He wears a light green and black patterned kimono with a light green haori over it and a white nagajuban under everything

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And the other was a young girl with black, shoulder-length hair and fringe above her eyebrows. She had large, dark red eyes with white pupils and pale skin. She wore a peach Iromuji kimono with a pale pink haori worn over it. She also wore a dark peach obi with a pink obijime and a beige-colored obiage. Under all this, she wore a white juban.

Shigeru: Wait Tanjiro, you're going to the village today with Muichiro?!

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Shigeru: Wait Tanjiro, you're going to the village today with Muichiro?!

Hanako: Can I come with you two?

Kie: No, you can't run like Tanjiro and Muichiro can.

Shigeru/Hanako: Mother please!

They both began to beg.

Kie: I'm sorry. But Tanjiro's unable to pull the cart today. So, he can't give rides while your resting.

Tanjiro: Don't be sad. I heard that Yuichiro will come over and he'll be able to play with you two while me and Muichiro sell coal.

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