The Sun and Moon vs the Shadow

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Tanjiro continues to move through the everlasting changing fortress with Muichiro who he reunited with. He hears the screams of agonizing death as his comrades and demons die.

Tanjiro: (I can't figure out which way's up or down. And there's so much going on! Kibutsuji's is somewhere and has Tamayo as his hostage, everyone's separated, and the fortress is altering around, making us suffer higher casualties! It's just like the demon from the abandoned mansion! But I already have the scent of him. If I can trace it, then I can find him easily!)

In a bottomless shaft, Muzan still recovering from the sneak attack still holds Tamayo as his hostage.

Muzan: Now that was indeed a foolish play, my dear Tamayo. Staying close to me as of now guaranteed your death.

Tamayo: And like I said before, I'll take it as atonement for my sins. I am more than ready to sacrifice my life to keep you from Tanjiro!

Muzan: A sacrifice that will be in vain. So, I might as well deal with the resistance right in front of me.

He proceeds to change his flesh but suddenly feels pain in his flesh manipulation.

Muzan: Nngh! What was that?!

Tamayo: An effect from the drug. It'll keep you from using your abilities for some time. The next few hours you'll be unable to attack anyone. So, am I dying in vain?!

??: Lord Muzan.

Muzan: What is it Nakime?

Nakime who is now the Upper 4 was completely connected to the entire castle.

Nakime: Tanjiro Kamado is now tracking you through your scent with a fellow demon slayer. It's only a matter of time until he finds you.

Muzan: Of all times!

Tamayo: It looks like the odds are against you, Muzan!

Muzan: Don't be certain. Nakime, why don't we keep them occupied?

Nakime: Of course, Lord Muzan.

Then fighting through the pain, Muzan begins to form a flesh cocoon that also hold Tamayo.

Tamayo: What are you doing?!

Muzan: Because of what you said, I'll stand no chance against him. So, I'll need to buy myself time. Which means, my Upper Ranks will act as the Hashira's opponents. And once this side effect is done, I'll emerge stronger than ever. But don't worry. You repent soon.

The flesh surrounds Muzan and it starts to absorb Tamayo.

Tamayo: (No! He's forcefully creating a cocoon and is trying to counteract the drug that make him human! He's also plotting to absorb me! So, please... someone... help me!)

Tanjiro: (Tamayo's scent, it's gone!)

He realized.

Tanjiro: (I won't let anyone else die! I'll stop you Muzan Kibutsuji!)

He and Muichiro blitzes through the cast killing any demons in their path. But as they kept running, a wall compartments slams them through other walls. Recovering from the walls, they get back on their feet, they find themselves in a new room filled with pillars.

??: How many months has it been since our last encounter?

Tanjiro and Muichiro recognized that voice.

??: From what I've learned you defeated Karito and Kishi. And you've unlocked your mark. You have became stronger from what I've seen before.

Muichiro: We can even tell that you're different, Akira.

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