Dark Harbinger of Justice

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Tanjiro: Genya! Start heading North East! The Sixth demon's hiding itself close to the ground!

He was able to locate Kishi's real body, but his emotion clones are doing everything they can to kill them.

Tanjiro: Genya! You go after it! I'll stay!

Genya: (Northeast!)

He then rushed in that direction.

Tanjiro: (Crap here comes the lightning!) Nezuko, Yuichiro! Go and help Genya! Stop Iraki before he gets in Genya's way!

Before they could attack, Ochitsuki sends multiple blast of air at Tanjiro and Muichiro launching them until they grab a tree holding on for dear life.

Tanjiro: (Don't let go! You can't let yourself get swept away!)

Iraki prepares his lightning attack and Nezuko and Yuichiro tries to intervene.

Nezuko: I won't let you hurt my friend.

But out of nowhere, Kanashi impales her on the side keeping her pinned to a tree and swats Yuichiro away.

Yahaba notices this and tries to shoot Kanashi but Akui uses his tentacles and throws him on the side. 

Yahaba: (This isn't good. I'm not good with hand to hand combat. This is why I pinned Akui to the tree so we don't have to worry about him!)

Kanashi: Don't fight back. You're making me sad. Iraki...

Iraki: Hold the girl still! So I can crucify her...

Bur he didn't have any idea that his hand was already severed by Tanjiro giving the Anger demon shock.

Iraki: (That little brat... he's gotten even faster than before! No. From the moment I first met him... he's exceeded my lord's reports! He has quick reflexes! A keen battle sense! )

He then watches in fury as Tanjiro slashes Kanki's mouth and right wing and Muichiro slashing Akui's tentacles and mouth.

Iraki: (And the closer he is to defeat the stronger he gets! What that visage was I saw... this boy somehow became his incarnation!)

Nezuko then grabs Kanashi by the head and tackles him ripping the Yari out of his hand.

Blood Breathing, 4th Form: 

Pain Reversal

Nezuko sends a powerful slash into Kanashi who cries out in pain.

Kanashi: How is is that powerful!?

Nezuko: I've been dealt so much damage by your aggressive friends!

Iraki: (Damnit! Ochitsuki! Ochitsuki!)

He sees Tanjiro going to attack Ochitsuki.

Ochitsuki: That's far enough you punk!

He sends blast of wind at him pinning him down.

Ochitsuki: All right! Now to take care of that trigger happy kid!

Suddenly, his arm was cut.

Ochitsuki: (What!? He still slashed me!?) You damn punk!

He goes to stomp Tanjiro, but he rolls out of the way. Just then Kanki goes to slash Tanjiro.

Kanki: I got you now!!

But suddenly his arms, legs, and wings were severed.

Thunder Breathing, 2nd Form: 

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