The Demon King Awakens

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Tanjiro was falling back into the castle until he felt a hand grab his wrist.

Tanjiro: What?

He looks up seeing the Flame, four Water, Ice, Poison, Rain, Eclipse, and Air Hashira.

Tanjiro: Kyojuro! Giyu! Sabito! Makomo! Endou! Doma! Gyutaro! Kirisame! Dark! Sasaki!

Sabito: Surprised to see us alive, Tanjiro?

Tanjiro: Very.

Kyojuro: Where's Hakuji? 

Tanjiro: He threw me in the door so I don't know what his condition is.

Endou: Shall we get going?

The eleven Hashira run through the ever-changing fortress searching for Muzan.

Dark: It was very difficult for us to defeat Akira. It took at least twenty four Hashira to bring the traitor down.

Makomo: And it was even close if not for Kanae's intervention.

Tanjiro: So, she's awake.

He realized.

Doma: Indeed. 

Gyutaro: But she stayed back with Shinobu, Kaoru, and Shinoe to tend with the others. 

Sasaki: They're also spreading out to locating Kibutsuji.


A crow continues to fly spreading out messages.


Tanjiro: He's gone. The Twelve Kizuki are completely wiped out now.

Kirisame: Then we should hurry. Muzan will feel their presences gone and could awaken prematurely.

And through total concentration they dash through the Infinity Castle searching for the last demon, Muzan.

In the Sun Manor, Kiriya sees through the maps he and his sister drew how tha Hashira are far from Muzan's flesh cocoon.

Kiriya: No. They're not gonna make it. And Tamayo and her poison are being nullified. Muzan's going to recover.

Kuina: The first division will soon arrive at Muzan's location.

She informed.

Kuina: The second division are right behind them.

Kiriya the realizes the worst outcome.

Kiriya: No! They can't stop them!

Kuina: Huh?

Kiriya: They cannot reach Muzan! Have them remain on standby until the Hashira arrive!

But it was too late. Muzan's cocoon was surrounded by low rank demon slayers.

??: There he is!! It's him!

??: You bastard Muzan!

??: Dammit! My sword's out of reach!

??: Stay calm!

??: Can't anyone jump down?

??: Why don't we just cut off the flesh that' holding his cocoon in the air!? Let's injure him more!

??: Wait! We're receiving orders to stand by from the Oyakata!

?? To hell with just standing by!! The very least we can do is be os use before the Hashira arr-

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