Prelude: Mizu Clatalissa

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In the world where the existence of demons loomed large, a determined young woman named Mizu Clatalissa embarked on a compelling journey destined to intertwine her fate with the perilous realm of the Demon Slayer Corps. 

Mizu was the daughter of a renowned former member of the Demon Slayer Corps, and her upbringing was steeped in the mystique of demons and the organization. From an early age, Mizu was exposed to the existence of demons and breathing styles. And decided that she would train to become a Hashira.

Mizu: But how come father?!

Mizumi: It's too dangerous Mizu. I don't want you to be killed. You have so much to live for, not throwing away your life to kill demons.

Mizu: But you did it. So what's the difference?!

Mizumi: You're a kid Mizu. I was an adult. So I can't train you.

Mizu then felt sad hearing her father denying her dream.

Mizumi: Until you turn twelve.

Mizu then looked up to her father surprised.

Mizumi: I realize that I can't stop my daughters dream. So once you turn twelve then your training will begin.

As Mizu grew up she began learning more and more about demons and how they came to be. And once she turned twelve she began to train in the Ocean Breathing Style. A Breathing Style that derives from Water Breathing and use a trident that was passed down from Mizu's ancestor. 

As she honed her abilities, Mizu developed an air of self-assuredness and arrogance, steadfast in her ambition to join the ranks of the Demon Slayer Corps. Despite the concerns voiced by her family, who were well aware of the perils that awaited within the realm of demon hunting, Mizu remained resolute in her determination to pursue this treacherous path, driven not only by her conviction to follow in the formidable footsteps of her father but also by her profound love and sense of duty towards her family.

Amidist Mizu's fervent pursuit of her aspirations, she found herself engrossed in a spirited training session, battling a training dummy.

Mizu: Now, I'll show the world what Mizu Clatalissa is made of!

She exclaimed, her voice resolute and unwavering. 

One fateful day, as Mizu undertook a particularly arduous training regimen, a familiar figure emerged from the edge of her training ground. It was Raito Kukan, his presence casting a serenely enigmatic aura.

Raito: Mizu, you've become a formidable warrior.

He remarked, a gentle smile gracing his features as he approached her. Their bond had evolved from a mere acquaintanceship to a profound and heartfelt connection, kindled amidst countless interactions shared during their respective training sessions.

Mizu met Raito's gaze, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of pride as she reencountered her recent victories.

Mizu: I've been working hard to prove my worth, not just to my family, but to myself as well.

She confessed, the air of arrogance and self-assuredness unveiling the profound vulnerability and unyielding resolve that lay within her heart.

Raito's expression softened, his eyes alight with admiration and caring.

Raito: You've already proven your mettle, Mizu. Your strength and unwavering spirit are evident to all who know you.

He reassured her, his words resonating deeply within her being.

As the day waned and the sun dipped beneath the horizon, Mizu and Raito found themselves enveloped in a poignant conversation, the gentle cadence of their words carrying the weight of unspoken feelings and budding affection. Their profound bond continued to unfold as they stood at the precipice of an adventure that would forever alter the course of their lives.

Mizu's unyielding determination and Raito's unwavering support and care underscored the compelling tale of Mizu Clatalissa and her resolute path to the Demon Slayer Corps, setting the stage for a journey rife with trials and tribulations, love, and unshakeable camaraderie.

However, just like most Demon Slayer and their adventures there will always a wall to go over. And that's exactly what happened to Mizu.

One day when she was going for a walk she met with a young Hunter kicking a tree with his foot.

Raito: Hey it's Hunter Shukaku.

Mizu: Hunter who?

Raito: He's the son of world's number one Assassin Harley Shukaku and was found by the retired Thunder Hashira Jigoro Kuwajima after he killed his father remember?

Mizu: Oh right.

She then realizes that they have a murderer in the Demon Slayer Corps.


She grabs her trident and rushes towards Hunter.

Raito: Mizu wait!

But she didn't listen and Hunter  was met with a fuming Mizu.

Mizu: Alright you cold blooded killer what's the big idea here?!

Hunter: Who the hell are you?

Mizu: I am Mizu Clatalissa! The daughter of the former Ocean Hashira! And who do you think you are?! Joining the demon slayer corps after what you've done!

Hunter: What are you talking about?

Mizu: How dare you kill your own father and joining here like it's nothing!

Hunter grits his teeth in anger.

Mizu: Well say-

She couldn't finish as she was kicked in the stomach by Hunter pushing her back.

Raito: Mizu!

He rushes to her aid.

Hunter: How dare you accuse me of being a murderer without knowing my full story! And you claim you're the daughter of a former Hashira? From what I'm seeing you're just a spoiled princess that got things handed. You're not strong.

Mizu: How dare you!

She goes to attack Hunter, but he blocks it with ease and counterattacks by kicking upwards at Mizu's chin sending her back to the ground.

Hunter: You may think you're deserving of that Hashira because you're blood related to one but that however is not enough. You can't just be strong, you have to be smart. You can't just be deserving, you have to be worthy. But all you have ever been is a bloody brat!

Mizu out of rage tries to attack him again, but Hunter round kicks her face knocking her out.

When Mizu wakes she remembers how Hunter easily mopped the floor with her. And after that even she and him grew a fierce rivalry with each other.

Mizu: That bastard. He'll pay. But... why am I getting weak? I've trained my whole life to get strong, to become a Hashira. So, why is everyone getting ahead of me? Raito is, as well as Kuorsava, Tsuyuri, Hanhaki, Ayaki, Agatsuma, Hashibira, and now Shukaku. Am I just a burden? No... I'll train hard. To prove that I am better than everyone... to prove my usefulness. I won't be a burden to my family anymore!


And there's Mizu's backstory. 

Now you know why Mizu doesn't like Hunter as you remember at the end of the Mansion Arc they fought not really liking each other. I don't know who's prelude I'll do next but it'll come.

Stay tuned next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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