Fighting Fire with Fire, Never Give up

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As the poison swirled through Genya's body, he began to relive his past.

Genya: (Oh yeah. It's all coming back to me now. My mother was a small women. Before I knew it, I was just as tall as her. She always worked everyday when the sun came up till dusk. Never have I seen her rest. But my father was a lousy bastard who knocked her many times. He was stabbed to death by a rival. Call it karma, because he was hated by everyone. He'd often struck on my mother and us. With a small body, she always protected us from my father. He was a completely different demon. And she was an angel.)


One night, Genya feeling uneased and couldn't sleep.

Genya: Mother hasn't come home yet.

Sanemi who couldn't sleep either saw his brother was up too.

Sanemi: You're right. I'm going to bring her back home.

Genya: Let me come with you!

Sanemi: No Genya. We made a promise, remember?

Genya: You're right.

Sanemi: Don't worry. I'll be right back. And don't forget we're stronger as a family.

It was almost dawn, and the rest of their siblings were awake.

??: Mother hasn't come home yet. Is she alright?

Genya: It's okay. Sanemi went out to find her.

??: But the sun's almost up and she's never been out this late before.

Genya: How about you all go back to sleep? I'm sure everyone must be tired. I'm sure Sanemi and mother will be back home when you all are awake.

Suddenly there's a loud thud on the door. The siblings ran thinking it was their mother, but Genya looks carefully through the door seeing a different figure on the other side.

Genya: Wait! Don't open the door! It might not be mom!

But it was too late. The figure burst through the door, and slaughtered all of Genya's siblings and slashed he latter's face as he screamed in terror.

Genya: (What is that!? An animal!? A wild dog? No! A wolf! It's moving too fast! And it's too dark!)

The figure lunged at him, but it was tackled by Sanemi through the window.

Sanemi: Genya! Run away!

Genya: Brother!

As Sanemi and the figure disappeared from his sight, Genya returned his focus to his bleeding family.

Genya: Koto! Hiroshi! Shuya! Teiko! Sumi! Keep pressure on your wounds! I'll find a doctor! Just stay alive please!

Rushing out of his house, he runs hoping to find someone to save his siblings. As the sun comes up, he sees something he wishes he didn't see. He saw a distraught Sanemi who was covered in wounds while staring at the figure who turned out to be their mother who was slowly turning to dust being in the sunlight.

Genya: No! Mom! Mom!

He could only hold her dying body as he cried.

Genya: What did she ever do to make you kill her!? Muderer! You damn murderer!!

(Flashback ends)

Genya: (After we recovered, Sanemi just left. He didn't say a word to me, which I can't really blame him for. I said terrible things to him. I was so confused at the time. It's just an excuse to make up for my mistakes but our siblings were out cold and didn't respond. As I remember the attack, I realized that the wolf back then, was our mother who turned into a demon. It turns out when he fought to protect us, as he fell outside, he realized that our mother was the one who attacked us. It must've been very hard on Sanemi. After he killed his beloved mother and was scorned at by his younger brother, something in him snapped. He began hunting demons, until he joined the demon slayer corps. As soon as I joined, I put in so much effort to find you, but one I saw you...)

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