The Arrogant Demon Slayer and the Tsuguko siblings

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Kyogai the Tsuzumi mansion demon is now defeated allowing Tanjiro, Muichiro, and Nezuko to explore and locate the child without having to worry about any chaos. They keep calling him as they open doors.

Tanjiro: Hey kid where are you?

As they open the door, random stuff is thrown their way.

Muichiro: Can you please stop throwing stuff at us?!

??: Sorry. I panicked because the drum disappeared, so I was feeling desperate.

Tanjiro: Don't worry. The demon is gone and can't hurt you anymore. Let's get you out of here.

Tanjiro piggybacks the child as they walk to the exit.

Nezuko: So are you positive that Zenko's outside?

Tanjiro: I can feel her scent, so I'm sure of it. And Kaigaku, Susamaru, and Hunter's outside also four other people with them.

They walked to the exit to see what was happening. But when they got outside the were shocked.


After getting separated from Nezuko, Zenko wandered through the mansion looking for an exit. Until the hallway flips forwards, causing her to fall down bursting through a window leading outside, hitting the ground knocking her out.

The two children that were waiting outside then came to her seeing how she is not waking up.

??: Is she gonna be okay?

Said the little girl.

Yahaba: I'm sure she is gonna be fine Teruko.

??: But how can you be so sure?!

Said the boy.

Yuichiro: She will be Shoichi, she is a powerful demon slayer and I'm sure she is gonna be fine.

After a few minutes passed, Zenko began to wake up slowly getting back up.

Zenko: Grr. What happened?

After a few minutes passed, Zenko began to wake up slowly getting back up.

Zenko: Grr. What happened?

She turned to see Shoichi and Teruko crying.

Shoichi: You were launched out of the house and you were out cold.

Zenko: Really?

Shoichi: Yeah your really powerful withstanding a hit like that.

Zenko: I guess all of my training paid off.

As she scratches her head. the door opened by itself and it was revealed to be Kaigaku, Hunter, Zenitsu, Susamaru, the boy with the fans, and the girl with white hair.

Kaigaku: Zenko you okay?

Zenko: Yeah I'm fine, I just need to rest.

??: I believe that there's a recovery house nearby for us to recover our strength.

Zenko: Thanks for the info Inosuke.

Just then she and Zenitsu hear a loud noise speeding through the door.

??: Where is it?!

It was the girl with blue hair holding her trident. Shoichi and Teruko were scared of her and went behind Zenko and Inosuke.

Hunter: Great it's Mizu.

He says rolling his eyes.

??: You know her?

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